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(Semi recovered. Back to more Black Butler.)

Once entering leaning in through the tower, you hear a scream from down below. 'That's not good.' No shit. Heading through a passage way you spot a door, opening it you see Sebastian and Ciel reunited. The butler in black is treating Greenhills wounds, "The groundskeeper to?" Clayton says as you chuckle hearing Ciel introduce you and Sebastian.

Spotting what Derrick is you see Ciel holding the headmaster at gunpoint. After hearing that the P Four killed the young man your blood boils. 'They killed him? And for what!?' These students may have looks, but no brains. Looking at the headmaster your eyes widen, "D-dad?" Seeing the Undertaker take off his disguise he has that sly grin. Seeing it again makes you question yourself, 'Dad? Why? Why the hell is my family this fucked up!?'

"Why did you say dad..?" Ciel asks as you turn to him, "H-he's my actual father." Seeing his eyes widen you both look at the grand reaper. "Hello my lord, and my gracious son." Whilst the two converse, you still stand struck with conflict. Visibly shaking you begin to pant heavily. Breathe slowly. Then you hear him speak again, "I trust you found your sister as well?"

Twirling the top hat he had on you're about to burst, overwhelmed with so much emotion that it's impossible to for someone to handle. That's when Ciel orders the truth from the P Four. The whole truth about Derrick was revealed and your face turns to disgust at the young men, "Your actions do not justify murder. You may have had the interest of the students at heart, yet you didn't need to be drastic about it!"

The P Four look ashamed for lack of a better word, once you said your piece Undertaker is heard laughing, "Oh haha! Quite a toll you and Phantomhive paid! Good show!" You scowl in response as Ciel asks, "What is it you hope to gain?" Father then explains his actions about the cinematic record, and how adding a 'future' for the dead makes a different version of the dead.

You shake your head not wanting to believe a single word of it. This is your father? 'Apparently so.' I like him. 'I don't.' Ciel then orders Sebastian and you, "Capture him!" Sebastian bows as you look at Undertaker, 'How many times do I have to fight..?' Tough. You leap up after seeing Sebastian get grabbed by the lower ward. 'That guy was one?' Interesting.

'Are you gonna help?!' Expelled to much energy. Good luck. 'Figures.' Summoning the bat you hit against Undertakers scythe as he taunts, "You and Lord Phantomhive are my masterpieces in the making. Truly spectacular." Sebastian is seen rushing back to Ciel as you block a blow to the chest with the bat. It shatters into pieces as you slam onto the table holding the tea. "Gah... ow..." Pulling yourself up Undertaker smirks, "Farewell young lord, and my dear son."

Ciel yells, "Give chase! What're you-?" Sebastian reassures Ciel, "Our top priority is for your survival young master." He says crushing a undead head. You stand up in agony as Ciel states, "We need to talk about your relations." Someone's in trouble. The voice taunts as you sigh, 'Shut up.' Edward rushes down the hall and reenters the room, after you and Sebastian take care of the undead. "Everyone's out and safe." He says panting lightly.

Rubbing your right arm your mind races, 'Father just mentions humans as playthings. He's just experimenting on them. But in half human. His goal seems to be evolving these creatures and to what end? And what about me? Will I be a freak for him to use?' Your heart beats quickly as you pant again. Sebastian grips the back of your left shoulder, "(Y/N) are you injured?" His voice calms you down slightly and you regain some control, "Y-yeah." You respond.

Once the situation grinds to a halt, the next set of days that followed were transferring back to the manor. You're the lead driver for Ciels carriage heading back to the manor. Parked in front of her majesties palace you wait. Seems your sister got the memo. 'She can go to hell.' Woah pretty intense right? 'Thats different she tried to kill me... If I see her again I'll split her in two.' This is the (Y/N) Wayne I love!

// "Don't make me your last hope..."\\ M! Reader! X Black Butler! 18+Where stories live. Discover now