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The next couple of days you're plagued with dreams, a raven like figure shaking someone's hand. Doing your best to pay it no mind is hard enough, since today a guest is coming. A man named Brandel, waking up from another dream you prepare for your day. Sebastian not only leaves you breakfast near your nightstand, but also makes sure your clothes are always ready. 'Like I need help with that but won't complain.'

After eating and getting today's wear ready, you walk out of your room to do your best to help out. 'Might as well help out while I can.' Wondering to the laundry room, you witness Meyrins mistake as Sebastian walks in, "Meyrin whatever-" Hearing Meyrins explanation makes you turn around, 'Nope, not helping with that. Let's see what Finny is up to.'

Heading to the greenhouse you hear yelling, again seeing Sebastian on the scene. Curiosity gets the better of you and peek in seeing that an oven was in there. 'Ok, maybe I'll do my own thing.' Heading back inside you relocate to the dining room, 'Some of these glasses use cleaning. But why does he have an obscene amount?'

Not rushing and only cleaning one at time using a white rags proves effective enough. Sebastian walks inside quickly taking notice, "I was wondering where you strolled off to (Y/N) thank you for aiding me with this." Shrugging at him you refocus on your work, "Better to do this than more music lessons. However later, I do plan do go back to see Uncle. Clear up the air so to speak."

When you turn around you're baffled, "You cleaned... all the other ones?" He just stands there smiling and content, "Of course, what kind of butler would I be." Softly taking the glass from your hand, "A reward should be given." You shake your head, "No thanks! I'll just be on my way now!" Darting out the room you exhale, "Now then I have to see him now." Walking to the front door you spot a carriage rider about to answer the door, "Excuse me, but are you (Y/N) Wayne?" Nodding in response the driver responds, "I'm to take you to the Wayne residence." 'Ah Sebastian's work I see, odd. Seems he's giving me just as much care as he would Ciel.' You thought and follow the driver where you embark back to your uncles home.

Arriving at the front door the rider explains, "I'm to remain here until you return milord." Confused you question, "Milord?" Looking at your apparel, 'Ah.' "Nevermind." Knocking on the door Miss Kate answers, "Oh master (Y/N) you've returned." "Yes and I would like to see uncle as soon as possible." Your request is answered, "Of course, although he's in the middle of some important work in his office." Entering the home your jacket is taken with her assistance, "Then he should have no problem with consulting with me really quick." "Of course."

Bowing at you Miss Kate turns to her usual duties. Walking straight forward you're met with the door to Uncles study and knock, "Hello?" Then hearing his voice, "Come in." Upon entering your uncle has a stack of papers on his desk, tired eyes and yet he smiles as he excuses himself. "(Y/N)!" Rushing over to hug you, you're confused, 'Surely he knows that he pawned me off for his benefit right?'

Pushing him back you slap him hard, "What the hell were you thinking!?" Your uncle hold his cheek looking at you, "What do you mean?" You explain, "You wanted something done for Phantomhive and used me as a scapegoat? Without even asking me!? Listen I'm not someone to just fucking be used and discarded. Never."

Crossing your arms Uncle relaxes and sighs, "You're right and I'm sorry..." His voice is heavy and full of regret, "I have no excuse, but believe me when Earl Phantomhive said it wasn't anything dangerous." Hearing that your anger is about to boil over, "Are you kidding!? I blew up a fucking building!!" Uncle tenses up and yet his confident returns, "Look I know you're upset but you're alive! I knew you could do it!" He had confidence in your abilities? Hearing that you slowly relax, "Yeah guess I am." Uncle peers at you, "Look I am truly sorry, but I knew you could handle it. If I didn't I wouldn't have thrown your name out there."

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