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Looking at Jacob, "I assure you, maybe I will maybe I won't interfere." Jacob looks at you dissatisfied yet accepting. "Fine, you're responsible for your own actions then." After he pushes his glasses up he begins to walk away. Prick. 'Yeah no kidding.' When he walks away you manage to find your group. Agni bows at your return, "Ah, lord Wayne. We were wondering where you went off to." "Outside to clear my head."

After you explain where you went, Prince Soma asks you, "I forgot, (Y/N) you danced with Ciel yes?" Before he asks you another question you interrupt him, "No, I'm not in the mood to dance." Soma begins to beg, "Oh cmon! I heard it was quite extravagant." Ciel agrees, "I'd rather not as well, an event like this shouldn't be bothered by us." Soma pleads again, "Please! I wish to see!" Chuckling at Somas current moment, you turn to grab a small glass of champagne from a tray.

Not wanting to be here? 'Yeah, but again. I put trust in Ciel, so I'll be there for him.' And what of your own affairs? 'Well I don't have much left.' Taking a small drink Sebastian asks, "I notice that reaper was nearby, might I ask what it is you spoke about?" Turning to him now you answer, "Something's going to happen here. He warned be to stay away." Not noticing Ciel he speaks, "If someone's going to die here, it'll be in our best interest to investigate." Pinching his cheek you sigh.

'I'm not in the mood.' Reluctantly nodding you ask, "So what to we do shadow him? He's a reaper so it'll be hard to do so." Ciel smirks, "Sebastian will keep an eye on him. We should make for the dance floor." You then ask, "Um. Why?" He elaborates, "We need to be able to see who's not watching us, best to draw attention to ourselves to draw the crowd in. This way we see who's using this as an opportunity to sneak away." Soma has a big smile and jitters with glee.

Taking to the floor you two bow at each other and recite the same dance again. However the pace is slower this time, Ciels eye is focused on the surrounding crowd. You two. I swear. 'What?' Nothing. You look around after taking step by step. Jacob and Sebastian are nowhere to be seen, however a man dressed in a brown suit walks away and heads outside. "I saw him." With a soft whisper Ciel nods and after around forty seconds you two end the dance.

As soon as the crowd begins to clap for your performance, you hastily walk by them and outside. Looking around your eyes spot the man ontop of a nearby building holding a rifle. 'He's gonna kill someone.' Better move. Realizing that you can't use your abilities, you lightly jog past everyone. However the crowd seems to be participating in a public dance. 'Damnit.'

Quickly you join in and begin switching from partner to partner. Spinning around the many different faces of people makes your mind rattle. With sheer will you manage to make your past everyone. Sprinting hard and fast toward the building where the sniper is at, you look around in order to remain undetected. When the coast is clear you begin to climb fast, using the bricks and signs available to you.

Finally reaching the top you move your head briefly to avoid a kick. Swinging your body left you roll onto the roof and block a swing to cross your fist forward. The man falls on his back as you stand up, you walk over and kneel down. "Who hired you?" The man is dressed in dark attire with a hood and mask, "I'm not saying anything!" You then grab his neck, "I don't think you realize the situation you're in."

Looking behind your back you spot the rifle, "Better give me an answer." The man retorts, "You can go to hell!" He then swings his fist against the side of your head, when you get hit your head slowly looks at him. "Bad idea." Reeling your fit back you halt and look up to the sound of feet planting. "Sebastian. Guess we got him." He looks down, "We have a problem, (Y/N)." Confused you hear commotion over at the palace square. People are falling to the ground.

"What's going on?" Sebastian grips his chin, "I was told to fetch you after the situation in the palace arouse. Please, join us when you're able." He darts off and you pick up the man to bring him on his feet. "What did you do?" The man chuckles, "You best beware the light kid." He tries to stab you with a knife he concealed by lunging it forward. Sidestepping out of it you slap it out of his hand and push him over the side of the building. However you grab his collar, "You're not gonna do it." You chuckle, "Nah, but the fall will." Letting go a smack is heard from the bottom.

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