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Dawn appears as you rustle back in your blanket. 'Mm... five more minutes...' Just when you're about to fall back asleep your nose takes control. Inhaling the sweet aroma of breakfast you see Sebastian carry it in. "Good morning master (Y/N)." "Again, just (Y/N) please." You respond as he sets the tray down. "I trust your bandages are holding up well?" You nod, "Good, oh I nearly forgot. My lord wishes to extend his invitation to a ball being held this evening at the palace."

"He didn't say anything until now?" You ask. "The young Earl wished me not to disturbed your already troubled mind." True. With that he leaves your room. After breakfast you get ready for the day and dress back up in your suit. "Huh. Seems that the bandages on my right arm look good." See? It's an improvement already.

Exiting outside you decide to help around by doing yard work. Many branches fell off some trees and some needed to be cleared off. While picking up a good amount you hear feint cries of a cat? Walking close you see a kitten laying down near the side of the manor. 'Oh a cat.' Don't like cats? 'More of a dog person, but cats are alright.'

Kneeling down you begin to bet the innocent creature. It purrs at your touch, "Why are you here little guy?" Eventually it nuzzles up against your palm then it stands up to rub against your leg. Lifting it up you hear a very small, "Meow~" Sebastian is right behind you flustered. "Soft plump paws, beautiful elegant hair and those eyes radiating against the sun~"

You turn around and set the kitten in his hands. Sebastian kneels down to nurse it as a mom would with her child. "You know it's just a kitten right. Anyways how did it get here?" Asking that Sebastian seems to be fixated on the current task of petting the animal. "Ohh... so gorgeous~" He says rubbing his hands gently across the cat.

"Alright then." You go over to grab a rake from the garden and begin to rake up leaves scattered near the entrance. Once you have a nice pile you hear Finnian yell, "Leaf pile!" He leaps into it and crashes down on top. The pile vanishes as the leaves then scatter everywhere leaving Finny laughing in a small amount of them. "Haha! Oh hey (Y/N)!" He perks up at you while you pinch your nose, "Finn I was cleaning up the leaves ya know."

He takes a moment to look around and rubs the back of his head grinning, "Oh, sorry about that. I'll help clean it back up!" You nod and hand him the rake, "See to it please." After that ordeal you make way to the back of the manor. 'Is there anything I can do without being interrupted?' Not with that attitude you can't. 'Shove it.'

You halt seeing a terrible scene before you. The voice is just laughing as you sigh. "Bard!" Yelling he emerged from the kitchen having that flamethrower on his back. "Yeah (Y/N)?" Pointing at the tree which are currently on fire. "How did you manage that!? When trimming you don't use fire!" Bard turns his head then winces, "Ooo... yeah so actually I was." Cutting him off you grab his collar, "Water. Now." He nods and rushes off while you kneel down.

Dealing with the fire took awhile even with your skills. You then go back inside to do some tidying up, 'Surly nothing will happen if I sweep around right?' Then Lizzy's voice echos throughout the manor, "Oh Ciel!" You do this to yourself you know. 'I said shove it.' Pessimist.

Making your way over to Ciels office you see Lizzy twirling him around in a circle. "Good to see you Lady Elizebeth." She lets go of Ciel who lands in's his chair dazed and hugs you gently, "Wonderfull to see you (Y/N)!" Chuckling at her she lets go. "Here to see the young lord I presume." You ask then Ciel composes himself by clearing his throat.

"It seems myself and Lizzy will be attending a ball this evening. Of course we both need escorts. So if you're willing can you escort her as her servant for the night?" He asks as you nod, "Sure." Ciel stands up and walks around his desk to elaborate but you comment. "Uh, are you wearing... pfflt." You move your hand over your mouth as the voice laughs out loud. "What is so funny all of a sudden?" You point down at his shoes before squeaking out, "H-h- heels..? Bwahhahaha!"

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