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Your party continues as nobles admire you and Ciels dance. Finishing off with a bow the crowd cheers at your performance, "That's Nathan's Ward alright." One man comments as you stand up infront of Ciel, "Well that's enough showing off for one day." He says as your eyes are mellow, "Yeah." Taking your leave you walk over towards the refreshments, Sebastian cuts you off midway, "I took care of the mess you made while you were with my master." "Thanks." You coldly say and maneuver around him, however he doesn't let you, "I trust all is well master (Y/N)." That smirk forms on his face, slightly annoyed you ignore him again walking by.

More~ 'I agree.' Your urge deepens and after a quick drink you begin to leave. Slipping out of the crowd you take out a cigarette and light it up. 'What am I becoming?' What you always wanted. Taking an inhale of smoke you exhale it slowly, "Where are you off to?" You hear Ciel ask you, flicking the cigarette away you answer, "Out for awhile." Ciel expresses his disappointment, "And to think I went through all the trouble to set this up, your uncle pleaded for weeks to set all this up." "Well theirs something I have to do." You say and Ciel questions, "You can't do it tomorrow?"

No. 'Yes we can.' No we can't, we have to find whoever's making your life hell with this sound. "Yeah you're right I can-" Your body freezes and you're unable to move. I'm taking over. 'Like hell you are!' Your body falls on the ground, gripping your head hard as you struggle. Ciel kneels down gripping your shoulders, "(Y/N)?!" 'One night won't kill us!' Not me, but you. I'm not gonna allow my servant to be beaten down. Let alone get held back by the queens guard dog. 'You even told me we should go!' Yes, until that noise shattered your mind.

Ciel pleads with you, "(Y/N) What's going on?!" Your willpower fails over the sheer force of the voice. Don't worry, I'll return your body after I find out who's causing this. Your drowned out and now the voice is in control. Standing up now your actions are now the voices. Ciel looks up, "(Y/N)?" A smirk forms on your face as you look at your hands, "Finally~" A cold demonic voice hits his ears, you stand there and answer, "I'm afraid (Y/N) isn't available right now, please excuse me." Walking away he grabs your arm, "Who or what are you?"

You cackle at the young lords attempt to stop you, "Lord Phantomhive please, you know how this will end. Now please." Pulling yourself off of his grip you keep walking away yet Sebastian halts your path. "My my, I was beginning to wonder when that voice would make another daring appearance." Ciel the orders, "Sebastian restrain (Y/N)!" He bows, "As you wish." Quickly Sebastian makes his move behind you, blocking a series of blows you just laugh, "Haha! Oh the love of battle and blood. How I've missed walking this mortal plain!"

You take off further down the road until Sebastian splits a tree down to halt you. "Leaving so soon? You know it's quite rude for the guest of honor to stray from his own party." Sebastian says near the tree line as you cross your arms, "You know it's quite rude for a demon, such as you, to play with your food. I'm sure the boys soul must be exquisite~" Finishing your sentence you duck under a kick, and then backflip in an attempt to make contact. Sebastian manages to bolt out of the way and Ciel finally catches up to you two.

"You know I could kill (Y/N) right now and find another replacement~" Ciels teeth bury close together as you laugh, "Haha! Ohhh if only he wasn't so entertaining to watch. The pure chaos this kid does to people, so much like you young lord. He admires you greatly you know." Ciel calls out, "What the devil are you playing at?!" You quickly grip Sebastian's leg as he tried to kick you and fling him back at his master. He casually lands until you explain, 'Oh I'm sure he's seeing this now of course. However he cares a great deal for you, he even went as far to go against some of his morals for you. If that's not true companionship then I don't know what is~"

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