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Hearing what Alois said your heart stops. 'What the hell?!' Are you getting flustered!? 'Of course not!' Your body did this with Snake, Ciel, Finny and now this weirdo! 'Just shut up and let me handle this.' "Well I'm not up for auction Alois. Stay away from me and Ciel." Turning to leave he warns you, "Nah ahah not so fast. You don't want your friends getting killed now do you?" He's a good player at the game. 'Don't wanna risk them getting hurt.' You halt your steps as Alois smirks, "That's a good boy~" 'I'm gonna murder him.' Not yet (Y/N) but I understand the urge.

"Follow me." He says, his voice is soft yet filled with poison. Pushing open the window you walk behind him keeping your space. 'How can I warn them?' Beats me, even I can't think of anything. He halts his steps inside of a clearing within the forest. Claude emerges from the shadows behind him, "I've heard the stories about (Y/N) Wayne, the curse of the underworld. However I wanted to see if you really are as dimwitted as they say." Alois's voices teases you as your hands clench.

Let's kill him. 'Not yet voice, but I understand the urge.' "So I'd like to see a test of sorts." Crossing your arms, "What kind of test?" Alois smirks, "How would you fare against Claude?" Chuckling you summon your bat, "Oh please. Give me a real challenge, surprise me." Holding it against your shoulder Alois whispers, "Claude bring me (Y/N)~ Make him bend his will to me~" Then his tongue shows, "Of course you made a deal with that demon." You state and bring up your bat. 'We can win, right?' If he fights like Sebastian than we'll be fine. Probably.

'What do you mean probably?' Claude dashes at you fast, you look sharp and block his fist with your bat. "Any normal human would be blown away." He comments. "Good thing I'm not normal." You fling him off to do an overhead bash, he sweeps your legs. However you do a hand stand to press up onto a tree branch. So how's it going? 'I'm working on it damnit.' You swing around the branch to do a dive kick at Claude. However he steps out of the way as you crash into the ground. "What a good show~!" Alois comments from the side.

You stand up looking around. 'Where?' Uhhh underneath? Looking down you see the ground break open as Claude grips your collar. "You're good." You say but grip his collar in return, "But I always have a trick or two up my sleeve." Using your left hand you pull out a pepper shaker. Again with that? 'Works doesn't it?!' Slamming it in his face his grip falters until you break free.

Landing in the ground you use your bat to help you up. 'Any suggestions?' Don't die? 'Well uh yeah duh.' What do you want me to say he's a demon, he's sly and tricky. 'Wait... I can by sly and tricky...' You begin to taunt, "A spider is supposed cunning and agile. But so far all I've seen is a poor excuse of a demon attack. Cmon where's the pure bloodlust?" Don't poke that bear now. 'What's he gonna do? Kill me?' You quickly dive out of the way of Claude's attack. Jumping onto your feet you smirk, "Finally."

Claude's attack doesn't let up as sparks fly off your bat when you block. "You're a pest in comparison to me." He says as you keep teasing, "Then how come this pest is so hard to kill?" You twirl around and slam on his back with your elbow. Alois just pouts, "Claude you're not winning. What's going on?" You hold the bat behind your head and stretch, "It's cause he's not a real demon." If you keep taunting him he'll actually go feral you psychopath. 'Good then that means we have a good chance to kill him.'

Claude stands firm before dusting himself off then kneels to Alois, "Your highness. Do forgive me, I'm afraid I must request a retreat." A slap is landed on his cheek, "How dare you!?" Claude adjusts his glasses, "We'll be at it for hours, and eventually someone will notice." Alois thinks for a moment, "Hmm alright then, suppose it can't be helped." He shrugs as Claude lifts him up, "See you back at the party (Y/N)!" Alois exclaims as you growl, "Oh what?! That's it!?"

No this is good. 'How?' His master is doubting his abilities, we're in their minds now. 'I'd like to be not on his mind.' We should return. 'Agreed.' With your battle concluded you enter back through the window and sigh. 'I still have this stain on my jacket.' Grabbing it and putting it on you rejoin the party. Ciel approaches you, "Where have you been?" You grip his shoulder and find somewhere to talk. Explains the details of your encounter Sebastian walks up mid way, filling him in as well. "Seems as though Trancy is after you. But why?"

"How the hell should I know?" You ask then you see the two approach, "My lords Phantomhive and Wayne." Claude says as you glare at them. "Might I have a word with Sebastian your highness?" Claude asks and you turn to Sebastian, "Keep calm master Wayne. Do know I'll act in good faith for you." Sebastian reassures you. 'That was one of the most comforting things he's said to me.' Guess he's starting to like you to.

The two make their way outside, quickly you escort Ciel away from Alois. "Goddamn psycho..." You mumble as Ciel asks, "What else did he want with you?" You sit down at a table and rest your head against it, "I don't know..." You then sit up, "So enjoying yourself?" Ciel gasps a bit, "How can you be coy at a time like this?" You turn to him, "Whatever you ordered Sebastian I'm sure he'll see it done. He's tough. Like scary tough." Ain't that right. "Relax, you said ten minutes right? Im sure he'll be done in less than that."

Ten minutes pass and exactly on time Sebastian approaches, "My lords." You then notice Claude still alive, "Oh you couldn't have finished him off?" He then hands you and Ciel documents. "They've been investigating us both?" Ciel says and you agree, "Yeah. It's personal now." Crossing your arms you grit your teeth as Alois stares down at the three of you. We're killing them. Right?

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