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Noticing the wraps soaked in the wine colored liquid, you quickly hide it. 'I need voice back. It's the only way to fix this.' Ciel asks a question after moving infront of you, "What's wrong?" 'Is he the source of this pain? No. Snap out of it.'

Answering the lord's question, "I uh...go celebrate. I'll join you soon." Mentioning that you make your way back to the cabin. The trek back was painful, the bandages drop lightly. You kick down your own door and pant, "Gah..ah, this...ah!" Taking off your clothes and seeing the arm bleed.

Shirtless infront of a standing mirror you gaze at your injury. "Do I really want to take this off?" Speaking aloud you have an idea, 'Voice is still apart of me, he wouldn't let me die yet. He's somewhere in my mind. Need to force him out.'

Pulling out the gun you press it to yourself, 'If this is the end... then I wish I admitted my feelings.' Tears form up on your eyes as they fall. Hands tremble and wobble and you yell, "Fuck it!" Trigger is pulled, your eyes go black.

Whatever you did. It worked. Waking up on the floor you groan feeling a small graze on your head. " head..." Looking at the hole in the ceiling you chuckle, "Guess death will have to wait for me..." Isn't he your dad? 'Shut... Missed you to asshole.'

You to kid. Now whatever that bitch did to us, let's not have it happen again. 'Agreed.' Here. The pain from your arm subsides and looking back at it. The bandages are clean again, taking the gun you place it back in your coat pocket. 'Not gonna need this for myself, but might be useful later.' Agreed.

Taking a seat on the bed you sigh in relief. So what happened? Never been blacked out like that before. 'Not much.' Explaining all that has happened the past days then stand back up. Huh. Your sister's proving to be difficult.

'Yeah I know.' Getting your clothes back on and preparing for yard work. As well as packing some interesting items. You head back to the cricket stadium late into the night. 'This teardown and cleanup will take forever.'

Going to the cart you brought along, then pick up the items you brought. You brought a bat and baseball? 'Yup, need to clear my head.' Squaring up at the box for the cricket batter you hold a baseball. Don't know why you like this game.

Tossing up the ball you swing hard with the bat. It launches up high in the air then lands just into the stands. 'Next one will...' Tossing it up high you take one step then swing hard as possible. The ball is like a shooting star as you wince, "Uh... oops..." You moron. That's probably headed to London and then some! 'Relax... I'm sure it'll be fine.'

Meanwhile at the manor. After the June fourth festivities.

The servants have made their way back to the estate where Bard, MeyRin and Finn enter the front door. "The master was so good! Yes he was!" The maid says quite excitedly while Bard nods, "He was quite thorough with his strategies today, shame though. (Y/N) was at odds with itself though." Finn agrees as he carries their picnic supplies inside then halts at the door, "Yea, wonder what was up with him..." The sadness of his words break as a baseball hits a window. It crashes into the interior then spins to a stop after hitting a wall.
The three gather and look at it closely, "What?!" They all proclaim.

Back at Weston.

After being satisfied with your performance you begin to clean up the stadiums. Not wanting to reveal your abilities more, you take your time. 'What happens if we bleed back over again?' Deal with it. Chuckling in response you then pick up the Cricket gear. Stowing it away in a nearby storage building.

// "Don't make me your last hope..."\\ M! Reader! X Black Butler! 18+Where stories live. Discover now