Antics Part Two

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'Who would I choose?' I dunno. But I'm taking over again. 'What do you mean?' Vision goes dark then wakes up to a cemetery deep within the countryside. 'What? You need to stop that.' Have you ever begged the question that it's really just you blacking out? 'No. Never.' Maybe you should.

Holding a lantern within your grasp you look around. Many of the graves are decayed with the names almost scratched away. Nature is slowly taking back over as the grass is knee height. 'Regardless what brought us here?' Lau knew the location of this Light. Price of this location wasn't much.

'What do you mean?' He wanted you to try opium so I obliged. 'WHAT!?' You smoke. 'That's significantly different!' Whatever. Dismissing the voice you kneel down at a grave that has some of its writing preserved. "Charles Ostwick. Born 1790. Died 1823. Huh, short life." Reading it aloud you look up seeing a path leading to the woods.

"That has to be the church." Picking yourself up you follow it. The path is almost covered by vegetation, if it wasn't for some hidden cobblestone beneath it would've been difficult to navigate. 'Opium. You twisted fuck, I'm not a drug addict.' You rolled around with addicts. 'Yeah but THEY were. Not me.'

The mental conversation is put on pause as you hear a branch snap. Glancing to your right you spot nothing at all within your sight. Looking ahead you continue walking until you turn around quickly. Your arm holding the lantern slams it against someone's head. From the way he's dressed it's clear that it's similar to that sniper from the soirée.

He screams while the oil and flame engulfs his body. Coiling on the ground in pain you stomp his head in hearing a pop. 'Thought they'd have more people, but one guy? They're overly confident, how can these people run things without the queens knowledge?'

I dunno. But maybe we'll find answers inside the church ahead. Looking back towards the path you do see a church. Oddly enough it's well preserved and quite beautiful to look at. The walls are bright vibrant oak as the bell at the top is a gleaming silver. 'Woah.' Distracted by the beauty you head towards the door. Still cautious of any guards that might be around you peek inside.

Noticing no one inside you step in and admire the interior. The cross of Christ is displayed along with three murals and an alter. 'It's a Catholic Church.' So the Catholics are here? 'No, but I wouldn't put it past this being a religious cult building. Probably built way back in the day, this group probably just updated it all.'

Coming to that conclusion you see a confession booth. Taking a close look inside you open the door slightly and step inside to sit down. 'It's funny. Always did this after mob jobs.' Why? 'Felt good to admit what I've done wrong.' And now? 'Now I'm paying the price of my sins.' How? 'Having to deal with you in my head.'

The front door is heard opening, not wanting to reveal yourself you slide the windows within the booth shut. "We must find this interloper and bring him here!" A deep grueling voice says then a more noble sounding person speaks, "They will be brought here and be purged for what they did." Multiple voices begin to speak about purging an unclean individual and how murder was a sin.

Knowing that they're talking about you being the trespasser. You just sit and wait until hearing a priest speak, "Halt my sons. Please. Do not let your hatred for this man. Instead you must seek out the evil buried within his soul."

Yeah like I'm evil. 'You take over my body, I signed a contract, there are so many more things I can list off.' Fair enough. The priest continues his preaching until he ends it with one last sentence. "Now I'm sure you're all aware of our most recent unclean individuals. Ciel Phantomhive and (Y/N) Wayne. Seek out your inner strength and go on to collect whatever information necessary."

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