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Back in the present.

Watching the match entail a ball whips back, in a split second you catch it infront of Bards face. "Woah! Blimey hell! Good catch." He comments as you toss the ball back to the pitcher. "Just played ball a lot as a kid. Played it with my... who did I play it with?" Unable to remember who taught you the game, the match before you continues.

When you look around at the current situation of Blue house against Red house. "Knowing Ciel theirs an ace up his sleeve." You comment as red house players begin to drop like flies. "See?"

Everyone is surprised as every player on the red team falls ill. Taking a moment you excuse yourself, "I'll find you guys at the next match." Walking away you run into Sebastian, "Ah. Michaelis, excuse me." Sebastian smirks a bit, "Is the groundskeeper feeling ill as well?" He says with a certain tone, as if he knows about your current issue.

"Well somewhat, don't worry it'll be fixed soon." Rubbing the back of your head he looks around. No one is near as he speaks plainly now, "I would like to apologize about the knowledge I withheld from you." Performing a slight bow you were about to ask why when he speaks.

"Your sister wished not to trouble you. She went to as far as hoping you'd be more mindful with the information. However it seems like our introduction was unavoidable." You nod and pat his shoulder, "Well uh, thank you though. For honoring her wish I guess." His smile seems genuine as you seem to forgive him.

"I thank you for understanding (Y/N)." Straightening himself up you grip your hip and think aloud for a moment, "I think the headmaster might make an appearance. It not just some event that most teachers wouldn't turn up to."

Sebastian agrees, "Very insightful as always. Now I must see to that the young master's preparation for Green house is taken care of." He walks away as you take a different path to the next stadium.

Making a wrong turn you end up at blue houses overhead tents. "(Y/N)? What're you doing here?" Hearing Ciels voice you chuckle turning around, "Uh got lost. And see if you're alright. Well you're fine so I'll leave you to it!" You take one step before he grips your arm, "What's wrong?"

Finding yourself in a narrow situation you try to sugarcoat it, "Well the other guy is gone." Ciel nods, "I see, has it to do with- And I dare say! The shrubs and flowers have never been so vibrant!" His tone changes as his team approaches from behind.

"Why is the groundskeeper here Phantomhive?" Clayton asks as Ciel smiles, "I just wanted to say how much I appreciate his hard work! Look at all of this. The setting of it all, truly a Weston groundskeeper!" Clayton seems fooled by this lie and does admire everything, "Yes I can see the appreciation. Very good of you (Y/N)."

"It wasn't a bother at all. Sorry for the intrusion Phantomhive here came up to me to thank me. I hear he's a up and coming prodigy. Please see to that the young man gets read a story." Ciels own inner thoughts speak volumes, 'You little savage. He wouldn't.' He thinks.

"What do you mean?" Another student asks as you chuckle turning away, "Oh pay it no mind, farewell and good luck!" Waving your hand up you laugh under your breathe, "I do like egging him on like that."

Mumbling to yourself as you walk around the stadium, suddenly your head throbs yet again. You recoil and kneel down its a voice. But not the voice. This voice is shallow and depressed. Who will mourn you... when you're gone? Your mother....your father? Brother? Sister? Lover? Was it worth it to leave them behind and slaughter my own siblings?

I hope it was... because you do NOT get the privilege of saying goodbye. This shallow heartbroken voice echos away as you pant heavily. The pain subsides while you stand, "(Y/N)? You alright?" Finn asks while snacking on popcorn. "Yeah..." You whisper then clear your throat, "Yeah, I'm good." Finessing a piece of his snack he pouts, "Could ask or get your own!"

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