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The events over the Atlantic happened not two days after you returned back to the Phantomhive estate. Upon coming back there seemed to be much to do with so little time. At one point when you slept you had a certain dream. It's you bashing your parents heads in with your bat. You did that. 'I had to... I had no choice.' Murderer. Liar. Fake. 'I know!' You toss and turn until you wake up in the dead of night.

What's wrong? The voice asks, as if it didn't speak at all during your rest. 'You were talking while I slept?' Nope. 'Never mind then... just a bad dream.' Sitting up you stretch your arms before looking at the clock, 'Only four in the morning.' You sure you wanna be up? 'Yeah sure, we have to go see uncle.' Taking your leave you quickly make your way back to London.

Arriving at your Uncles door you knock to have Miss Kate answer, "Master (Y/N) you've returned." She bows and escorts you inside, "The feelings mutual Miss Kate." You're brought inside where Chef Troy was already cooking his lords morning food. You pop your head inside saying, "Aye Chef! Make a second meal!" Chef Troy's response is that of an old grandpa happy to make you another meal. "You've got it my lord!"

When you take seat at the dining room your Uncle comes down, "Ah (Y/N) welcome back." You wave at him as he makes his way down in his robes, "Day off?" Uncle just looks at his attire and shakes his head, "No, been getting rather comfortable in these new robes. Now then onto business, I trust you remember what month it is." You gulp before shaking your head, "Uh....Nope..."

Uncle just laughs lightly as the maid sets your plates down infront of you two. "It's the month of your birthday! Seventeen years old... how time flies." It's like he's holding back tears. 'Already? It's been that long already? A full year of being here?' (Y/N) Wayne. Born October thirty-first. Halloween. 'You're starting to sound like one of those reapers.' You then speak aloud, "Well I trust it'll be like last year." Uncle tilts his head, "What do you mean? I have the whole guest list and invites sent already." You begin to choke on your food.

Clearing your throat you ask, "W-what?" Uncle takes out a small notepad and begins to list off names of noble houses that you've never heard of. That is until you hear both Phantomhive and Midford. 'Oh come on.' What? Don't wanna celebrate your birthday? 'You know that we don't have time for this.' Finishing up your food, uncle keeps naming people before looking up at you, "And that appears to be it, I trust that this list is sufficient." You nod as he happily smiles, "Birthday with my nephew, how exciting."

Taking your leave you exit your Uncles home but are stopped by Miss Kate, "Lord (Y/N) please accept this." She hands you a red boater hat with a yellow strap around the base. "Oh, thank you my lady." You nod as she then goes on, "My lord you and your uncle have aided me with this job. Please if you shall ever require my aid, do not hesitate to call for me." You nod and part ways, 'Huh weird. But nice hat though.' You flip the hat ontop of your head and begin to walk.

Where are we going? 'We're going to-' Both you and the voice in unison recoil in pain, you grab your head as your skull pulsates heavily. 'Aghhh fuck...' You wonder down and alley as best you can. Ahhhh! Fuck! One thug walks up to you but without wasting a breathe you take his arm and break it hard, "I'm not in the mood." The thug slithers away wounded. Leaving you alone in the alley.

You can't figure iut what's causing this pain to rupture inside your head. 'An...any ideas?' Just one... one moment. The pain turns into something of a shriek and you hold your ears, you're going insane at this rate until all is quiet once again. Falling to the ground slightly you pant heavily, 'What was that..?' Seems a certain reaper was trying to interfere with our bond. Walking back out of the alley you're greeted by Scotland Yard, "Excuse me lad, are you the one that broke this here chaps arm?" A officer says and you shrug, "Never seen him before."

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