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Hearing Ciel speak your opponents name you glare at him, "I'm good, but the things he can do to me wouldn't exactly sit well with me. But if you're ordering it then sure." Cracking your knuckles Ciel sits back down in his seat at the study, 'This should prove entertaining.' He thought. Sebastian bows, "Before we begin I'd like to lay out that I won't-" You don't care what he has to say and deliver your left fist against his perfect face. His head slamming into a nearby book shelf he chuckles finishing the sentence, "I won't injure you to bad let alone kill you." Hearing that you pause, 'He's right, I think this guy could simply wish I was dead if he wanted.' Before you even blink he's out of your sight, "What the?" "So you like going in for the kill as your opponents distracted huh."

Hurling your left fist back and your right fist after he simply doges back, "Oh how truly barbaric." Simply pushing your chest is enough to send you flying back onto the ground, "How odd, most people let alone men would run away yet not you. Brave." 'Is that a compliment?' You think for a moment as your hands throw books in his direction. Of course this attempt was useless as he's already on your left, "My my, quite a knack for using anything." You step back as soon as you hear a word from him, 'How is he this fast? Yet alone that strong? I knew something was off about him but I could never place him.'

Sebastian steps closer to you but when he does you throw a jab with your right but turn around to punch hard as you can. This plan worked, but had ill effects. Your fist is in contact with him and you look up seeing that devilish smile, "You adapt rather quickly." Ciel interjects, "Alright enough. Clean this place up." Sebastian bows to Ciel, "Certainly my lord." Then faces you.

"Quite the show you put on, I have full faith in you whenever shall the need for you is dire." Confused you walk up towards Ciel, "Was this all a test?" A small smile forms on his face yet again, "Of course, I wanted to see for myself what Lord Wayne's ward could do. And I am confident enough to say you've impressed me. Few have the courage to willingly fight Sebastian, let alone learn from his movements. But I've decided. You're to come with me on the marrow."

"About what?" You ask, "Something odd has happened in London recently, a boy was found dead in an alleyway. His hair stripped from the scalp. Her majesty wishes for me to find the culprit." Explains himself Ciels gaze looks at you hearing your reply, "Well if that's what you need..." Turning around you see the room spotless, "How did you do that?" Looking at Sebastian he smirk, "Was a simple task, I simply am-" You interrupt, "One hell of a butler." Sebastian sighs, "Seems as though you've grown tired of me already young (Y/N)." Shaking your head you chuckle, "No, just amused." Taking your leave you go to bed resting for tomorrow.

Waking up early on your own accord you get ready to head out. Meeting the two outside the front door you see a carriage with Ciel getting in, "Hurry along (Y/N) my master isn't a patient one." Entering the carriage after him your journey to London begins yet again. The trip is long as you try to break this awkward silence, "So... wonderful day we're having?" Asking that to Ciel he's looking outside, ignoring your comment, 'What yesterday was all about screwing with me and now he won't even talk?' Trying again, "Is there anything more you can tell me about this case?"

Turning to you it seems he budges, "From what I've gathered this victim is one of many that's been murdered like this. All of which were young children, her majesty urges me to see to this through." 'Makes sense.' Looking outside you see the busy streets coming into view, the way to the scene was slow but eventually you arrive. Departing the carriage you stand behind Ciel and Sebastian following. A aroma of blood hits your nose, "Definitely smells like death."

Ciel peers ever so slightly as an inspector halts your group, "Hold there, this scene is controlled by Scotland Yard." Ciel holds up a document, the officer steps aside, "My mistake, I failed to recognize the queens guard dog. Please follow me." Hearing that your thoughts linger, 'So those rumors are true.' Afterwards you approach close swing a blanket covering a body, "Huh." Ciel asks, "May we see the body?" The inspector implores, "Absolutely not, this is a ghastly sight." Not paying attention to you, you kneel down closer and lift the blanket. The scalped boys face is cold and empty, you notice those blue eyes from before, "It's..." Looking down looking at the side of his head is blonde hair, "I knew this kid, well ran into him before."

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