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Wondering around the Phantomhive manor leads you to some lacking discoveries, 'Nothing about him, it's like he just popped in out of nowhere.' You wonder a hallway before being met with a cart crashing into your chest, "Gah!" Air escapes your chest as you fall on your back, "Damn...what the?" You look up seeing the maid from before, she quickly apologizes, "I'm so sorry young lord! Please forgive me!" 'What was her name? Meyrin? Yeah.' Standing up and rubbing your head, "It's alright, that's what I get for getting lost and staying in place." Chuckling hurts a bit as your wound prior to this didn't heal up.

The alleyway fight from yesterday, "I do feel a bit faint so if I may I'll be on my way." Closing your eyes for a moment you hit a barrier, opening your eyes your body screams, 'It's him, the butler.' Gulping you fain ignorance, "Sorry, I really had to use the bathroom and kind of got lost." Sebastian just looks down and gives a small smile, "Sorry for leaving you on your own milord. But please, do well not to tread where you don't belong." You can't help but feel threatened at that last part. "Understood." Sebastian then asks, "What happened?" After explaining the situation to him a sigh escaped his lips, "Apologies again, please allow me to escort you back and see to your wounds. Meyrin please remain here."

Following Sebastian you ask, "So... what is the young master like?" He turns to look at you, "The young master is quite a handful at times, but for someone like me. I'm simply one hell of a butler." Thinking to yourself once again, 'Well... that's a fancy way of avoiding my question.' Returning to sit near your uncle the butler whispers in Ciels ear, "I see." He responds, "Please allow me to treat your wounds here." Uncle Wayne asks, "Wounds? (Y/N) are you alright?" Ciel explains and he gives a nod, "I understand, (Y/N) please stay put where you're told next time please." Your uncle says. Being told what to do? No never. "Understood."

After that you are escorted by Sebastian to a guest room where you sit on the bed, your wound does hurt. It screams as it's pulsating with pain, you've felt it before. "Please remove your shirt Master (Y/N)." You tilt your head, "Uh, what." He explains, "We have to treat them, please allow me." Sebastian reaches as you scoot away, "Uh...I got it myself thanks." Unbuttoning your shirt you take off your shirt, "Well uh what now?" He turns to face you bandages and ice in hand, "Please let me examine the state you're in." You lay down aching in pain.

'That cart came flying at me, didn't seem like the maid pushed it...' Noticing your scarred up body he asks, "Quite the troublesome young man it seems, would be ashamed if you ended up elsewhere. My master does have a task set for you." Hearing this from Sebastian he answers the question you're thinking, "You'll find out when my master visits, you'll have to remain here until your task is complete."

Hearing this your instincts scream. Here? This is hell. Purgatory even. After getting patched up Ciel enters the room where you ask quickly, "Why am I really here?" You figured out that it was a game to him, the rumors were true. Being honest now might save you, the young lord answers, "You're to see which of my factories is supplying weapons to the streets of London."

Your mind races again, 'This is a heavy task, he doesn't know me. His demeanor changed as well. I knew it was a facade.' You then ask, "Why me? To put it bluntly you don't know a thing about me. And yet you're willing to let me take this charge?" Ciel walks over to sit in a chair explaining, "Their was a certain incident that happened the other day in London. A minor mob family brought down by a single person." He points, "You, I admit I was actually quite impressed. But even so I wish to see how useful you'll be in the near future."

Thinking to myself you piece it together, "Oh, that's what you're playing at. You want a favor from my Uncle, and I assume at one point he's involved with whatever other activities you do. He owes you and this is him to make amends." Ciel gives a small smile, "Something like that, I'm surprised you figured it out. Almost. But not quite." Standing up he walks to the door, "Rest here and join me for dinner. Sebastian will fetch you, but please." His cold gaze meets your own, "Do not go around snooping where you don't belong."

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