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'Well tell me.' No. 'Cmon.' Not happening. Jacob just stares at you then back at the body, "Did you move her?" You look at him, "What? Of course I didn't." You look back down seeing the body had vanished. "What the?" You look around and summon your bat. "Do you hear that?" Jacob pulls out his sword looking around. "Hear what?"

Looking around frantically, "Nothing. Just pure silence." Jacob sighs and sheathes his blade, "Honestly, stop waisting my time." Leaping away from the street you look downwards here the girl was. 'Hm...' Don't even ask me. 'Then what's the point of you?' Entertainment.

Walking back to where Ciel and Sebastian are, you spot them waiting. "There you are where were you?" Ciel asks and you begin to explain what you witnessed. He then shares what he found, "The disappearances never accrued until only recently." Crossing you arms you two begin to brainstorm.

"She was there... disappeared..." Coming up with nothing you offer a suggestion, "Maybe we lure whatever it is out." Ciel then comments, "With who?" You look down then say, "Uh...Elizabeth. I know that's a bad idea but she's the most capable." Before Ciel exclaims his displeasure Sebastian agrees, "I do wish we had other options. But I'm afraid this may be the course of action master."

Ciel seems to slowly calm down and nods, "Alright. But if any harm should come to her, I'll hold the both of you accountable." Walking to the carriage you follow inside. 'Still won't tell me?' Nope. 'Cmon, I'd rather not let Lizzy get hurt. Let alone killed.' Then I hope your plan works, for your sake.

You agree to stage it tomorrow night, after informing her you all meet back up at the East End. "Most of the victims seem to be emerging from here. We need to tread carefully." Ciel says his brow furrowing. "What ever happens Ciel I shall not leave your side." Lizzy says as you chuckle.

"What?" Ciel asks at your demeanor, "You two are adorable." You arrive at the spot and walk with them. Ciel breaks down the plan, "Sebastian you're on the roof, myself and (Y/N) will be right behind the corner. If you hear anything you yell for us." Lizzy nods and whispers something in Ciels ear. Unable to hear it you go to your corner.

Looking down the street she begins walking, slowly trailing her from behind. Ciels eye is focused on her while you look around. Meanwhile Sebastian keeps his view sharp, then your mind takes over. 'Scared to death... wait. The carriage driver during the circus.' Bingo.

Coming to your senses you rush at Elizebeth, "Wait! It's not something it's someone!" You tackle her from the side and avoid a blow from a familiar hammer. Rolling with Lizzy in your arms you stand up quickly at an old enemy.

"I was wondering why no one came to collect you. Isn't that right. Fiend." You see her look at you, her face wrapped heavily in bandages, you only see her eyes and mouth. She's wearing the same clothes from when you killed her. I knew you wouldn't like it.

Ciel rushes closer and you yell, "Wait! Don't look at her! If you show any fear her way you'll die!" He stops and hides his gaze, Fiend rushes at Ciel only to be blocked off by Sebastian. "Sebastian take them and get out of here!" Sebastian then yells, "And you?"

You run at Fiend and during mid swing both your weapons collide. "I've got this. Go!" Sebastian agrees with your suggestion and races for Lizzy. However you struggle under her strength and fall to a knee still holding your bat.

"How are you alive?! I killed you!" Fiend pushes your bat away and grips your neck lifting you up in the air, "You're not the only one who can make deals. (Y/N) Wayne." Her voice is very shy. Like a loud whisper from a haunted house. You smirk, "I should've stomped on your head to make you look more prettier."

Slamming you onto the ground you roll away and summon another bat. Look behind your back you manage to block a swing as even your own strength is contested. 'How'd she get stronger? I was able to mop the floor with her face last time.' Deals a deal. 'You did this!?' Listen deal with her now and I'll answer the questions later.

// "Don't make me your last hope..."\\ M! Reader! X Black Butler! 18+Where stories live. Discover now