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The woman has her hair let down, the color is as your own. "W-what's going on?" You ask as she just smirks, "I've come to introduce your services to her majesty. A shame I had to meet you like this, regardless. You're my son, and I'm sure your father would be pleased with himself if he saw you now. Even under different circumstances."

'What's going on? Is she actually my mom? If she is why is she here? What about the Wayne name? How is this even possible?' She reaches her hand out, "Perhaps you've heard of me as one of the three butlers in service to her majesty. And my name is Aubrey Brown, and I am in fact your mother." Hearing that you step back and are pressed against the desk, "Wh-why are you here?" Aubrey just smirks, "A mother should be able to see her child whenever she wants." You then speak, "Then why the fuck are you here now?"

Raising her brow, "Now that's no way to speak to your mother (Y/N)." You're confused and angry that your actual mother is here, so many questions flood your mind and you ask, "Why did I grow up the way I did? Why send me to two people who took care of me for sixteen almost seventeen years? Where did you go?" Aubrey crosses her arms, "It's complicated (Y/N). I'm one of the queens direct butlers." You then ask, "A woman?" Careful. She continues, "Is that so surprising?" You answer, "Nope, just that a queens butler is my mother."

"Now as for the reason you grew up as you did, it was for your own safety." Aubrey says as you sit down on the desk, "Well too late for safety." She nods, "Yes, seems you're in a world of trouble. Yet I find you at the Phantomhive manor living a good life." You quickly correct her, "As if any of its been good recently. I'm finding out who my actual parents are now." She maneuvers over to the door, "I'm sorry but we don't have time. Please follow me." You raise your brow, "Why should I?"

Aubrey lets out a sigh and says, "You come in cuffs or free son. Your choice." Best not to make a scene. 'Yeah after what you pulled last night why should I listen.' Still in this together. "Fine." You state and follow her inside. While walking to the front door Sebastian asks, "Beg your pardon but I was unaware of your presence Mrs.Brown." She then bows to Sebastian, "Forgive me, but her majesty required (Y/N) urgently." Ciel begins to come down the stairs, "Ah I see you've met Mrs.Brown already. I myself found out about her arrival earlier this morning, however I was unaware of her arrival."

"Apologies Earl Phantomhive, but the queen would like to address you both. You know how demanding she can be." Aubrey says as Ciel nods, "I understand how she can be, very well. Sebastian, (Y/N)." Snapping both of you to follow, you begin to walk outside to some rather elegant carriages. Boarding them hastily, you sit across both Ciel and Sebastian with Aubrey sitting next to you. "What is the queen like?" You ask as everyone thinks, "Hmm." "Well." "Uh." They all three say, "Intimidating." 'Oh boy...'

Ciel then asks Aubrey, "How come you were speaking to (Y/N) in his chambers?" She gladly smiles and says, "He's my son." Ciel and Sebastian's expression scream confusion, "Oh well..." Ciel managed to piece together who your parents are as you just grip the bridge of your nose. "What is the purpose of this visit?" You ask to break the awkward vibe in the air. "Well that's her majesties business. We simply act according to her will." 'I'm so screwed aren't I?' Hold on this may be fun.

The long trip comes to a close as your carriage arrives in front of the palace. "Be on your best behavior (Y/N)." Ciel states as he exits first with Sebastian following. Leaving the carriage after you're greeted by an escort of guards, Aubrey is right behind you. "Earl Phantomhive and Ward Wayne. Please follow us to have an audience with her grace." Your eyes dart around. 'Lots of guards and guns. Surely she can't be that terrifying... right?' You're the one going to see her. 'You idiot we are both going to see her.' Which is why I'll leave the talking to you. Don't fuck up.

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