Antics Part One

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Before you head to Weston some rather... odd antics had taken place prior to heading there.

Waking up the next day you roll out of bed and fall onto the floor, "Ow." Your voice is muffled due to it being buried in the floor. Getting up slowly you hear the door handle jiggle open, "Young (Y/N) your breakfast is ready." Sebastian says as he holds the door open, then you're caught like a deer in the woods.

You two just stare as your right arm made entirely of bone is shown, "Would you like me to cover that up young (Y/N)?" He says with a bit of concern sprinkled in. "Sure."

Sure enough you sit up on the bed as he helps wrap your arm. "May I inquire about a personal matter about you?" Sebastian asks as you nod, "You care for a great many here at the manor yes?" Hearing that you groan, "It's not like I'm not allowed to have these feelings. They're natural. One thing does concern me though."

Sebastian head tilts as he finish up the last of the wraps. "I... I don't want to be alone. And if I'm being honest, being around you guys helped see me through it. Whenever I see Ciel he reminds me that a sense of belonging is needed. Feeling that way can make you feel."

Halting your sentence you exhale a bit while your lip quivers, "Never mind. Thank you for breakfast and for helping me with this." You comment as Sebastian stands back up and bows, "My pleasure (Y/N)."

What was that about? 'It's nothing don't worry about it.' Communicating to the voice as you put on your unique outfit. Seemed like a lot more than nothing if you ask me. Heading out of the door you almost run into the young lord. "Oh, my bad."

Ciel ignores your apology and asks a question, "What did you mean make you feel?" Referring to your conversation with Sebastian, you notice the butler standing at least two feet away. Then you look down at the little master.

"Well it can make you feel... sad." You say as his eye widens, you keep speaking, "I feel that way to, and I wouldn't wish that on you. You have a chance to be better. A genuine chance, for even a brief moment, to be happy."

Ending with that you close your eyes waiting for him to maker a counter argument. However you feel something light bump against your stomach. Opening your eyes slowly he's hugging you.

What? Ignoring the voice you slowly hug back. While this tender moment is happening, the three servants stand upstairs looking down at you two. "Aww, a lovely moment." Meyrin comments. "If I hadn't noticed, I'd say (Y/N) is like a big brother for the master eh?" Finn says as Bard nods, "Agreed, a proper chap isn't he."

Your arms slowly reach around to hug back. Small amounts of time go by as you comment, "Keep this up and I'll read two books for you." Chuckling Ciel slowly parts as his lips form a smile and even he himself shares your humor, "Comments like that you might not."

You two share a laugh until you settle down and your face holds the emotion, "Cmon, let's walk the grounds." He nods and prepares his choice of clothing.

While he walks off to change, Sebastian approaches for a word, "Again, you truly are a stunning human (Y/N)." "Well half reaper half human. But I'll take the compliment." Sebastian himself shares a small amount of laughter, "Yes well, that's why I find you intriguing."

Weirdo. 'Ah yes. The demon that's after a soul is weird. While I have you in my head. Surly the demons the weird one.' You're hopeless sometimes. 'Hush you.'

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