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'Let's hold off on killing them for now, we should investigate for now.' Oh cmon! Turning to Ciel you advise, "We should take our leave now, Sebastian I hope you thought this out." Sebastian does a slight bow, "Rest assured I always have my masters interest in mind." Taking your leave from the party, Alois makes one last attempt to tease you all.

At the front door, you're about to leave when suddenly he grips your arm. "Leaving so soon? And to think we would've had more fun." (Y/N) I'm telling you, you should kill him. Jerking your arm away from him you state, "Fun for you yet unsavory for me I'm afraid." Alois crosses his arms as if pouting, "No fun when they don't get annoyed..."

Finally taking your leave, the trip back is silent and as soon as you arrive back at the manor you talk to the other two. "So it's a dance to the death between you two?" Asking Sebastian as he nods, "Yes those were per the terms of our agreement." The conversation makes its way to the study where you take seat across from Ciel. "And the terms were what?" You ask. "A duel between my masters soul and yours. Though I understand you don't have a soul in actuality. I suspect Claude may be after you for other interests."

He's talking about me. 'I agree, so what's the play you think?' Let these demons duke it out, not like you have to get your hands dirty. You look at Ciel,"Do you have anything to say about this?" Ciels hands are interlinked on his lap, his eye is shut as if thinking. Then they open, "I have full faith in Sebastian's ability, tomorrow this matter will be concluded." Discussing the location you decide to head to bed early to think on everything.

Ben approaches you while you make your way over to your room. "(Y/N) I trust you're doing well?" You look at him, "Yeah, you need anything?" Ben the flashes a chessboard in his hand, "Are you able to play?" You chuckle before agreeing, "Sure, no harm in a little bit of chess." Entering your room you sit down on a chair near a small dining table. Ben flips his chess set open and plates the board down.

You then ask, "Ben is this what you were expecting to do as my butler?" Ben starts setting up the pieces while answering, "Well it's been a change of pace, however it's a welcome one." "Why is that?" You ask as he continues, "Well day by day in the palace was always swordsmanship and military education. Mother always visited and made sure I was content with my life." Oh ok, fuck (Y/N) then right?

'You're not helping.' Ben keeps explaining, "Yet I was still prideful despite the repetitive nature of it all." The chessboard is set up leaving you with the first move. 'So why did mother say it was for my protection to live the way I did..?' Your mind is focused on the matter of your mother and father. Even with this fogging your head, you still manage a sneaky cheat in the game every once in awhile.

Concluding the game Ben takes his leave satisfied with the back and forth wins between you two. "Good night little brother, I shall speak to you tomorrow." Nodding in response Ben walks out. Didn't think he'd ever leave. 'Well at least I'm bonding a bit with him. I think.' You head to bed think about the events of tomorrow.

Will we end up in the spiders web? Can Sebastian conclude this deal? Are you happy? Who will mourn you... when you're gone? Hearing all these voices at once your eyes open, however you're not in your room. You're chained up yet again, however this time still clothed. 'Oh great again... voice?' No response is heard.

You just see around you is a cellar, the smells of fermented fruit hits your nose. 'Wine cellar, and based on a certain blonde I'd say it's Alois who's up to this.' Your assumption was correct as you see none other than Alois approach you. 'I could use some help here.' Thinking that Alois smirks hands on his hip, "I was beginning to wonder if you'd ever wake up." Looking around he just grips your jaw, "Now now, I wouldn't think about escaping."

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