Chapter 36

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Muhammad's POV

I know she's confused with the way I'm acting especially since it is different to how I was before. I know that and I will explain when we are alone.

I thought about everything a lot when I was away. The reprieve I wanted from her was completely wasted by thoughts of her. My days were spent in meeting after meeting and any time I wasn't distracted she took up the rest of the space in my head. At night my dreams consisted of her and they felt so real that I would wake up reaching for her just to find an empty space beside me.

I hated it. I hated it all. But I knew that needed to have my mind made up before I came back. And now I do.

"The cupcakes are ready." Her voice calls out from the dining.

Inayah quickly gets up my lap and runs towards her voice. I get up and follow her too.

Inayah is sitting on the table when I reach them as she tries to snag a sprinkled cupcake from the tray. Madeenah lightly smacks her hands and Inayah giggles as she pulls away and jumps down to go wash her hands.

Madeenah is bent over, frosting some of the cupcakes while leaving some plain and I use her distraction to take the opportunity to stare at the beautiful woman in front of me.

Her hair is in a huge bun on top of her head and she's wearing an apron that says 'Good cook, Great wife.'. There's flour all over her body and in her hair too. It makes me realize that I've only ever seen her hair out like three times. The second being when she was in my bed and the third being now.

It's so dark and full and it makes me want to run my hands through it like I did before. It is curly now not as straight as it was before and I prefer it this way. A few strands that escape the bun frame her face and she keeps swiping them away as they enter her eyes.

I move towards her and reach a hand out and tuck the wayward strands behind her ear. She literally jumps when she feels my touch and the frosting tube in her hand splashes and some land on my face and hers.

"I'm sorry. You startled me." She said as she drops it on the table.

She reaches for the tissue box in the middle of the table but it's empty. She turns back to me and searches my face before raising her small hand to wipe it away.

Her small soft hands feel so good against my skin and I almost grab them and hold them to me when she pulls away.

"Maama I've washed my hands." Inayah said rushing back in and uses the chair to climb onto the table again.

"Okay you can eat one now then another later." Madeenah says her voice breathy.

"Only one Maama?" Inayah pouts even as she takes the most frosted one.

"Only one." Madeenah replies sternly.

Inayah pouts but a smile breaks in her face as she takes a bite.

"Do you want with frosting or plain?" Madeenah asks me.

"Anyone you give me." I reply. She stops to stare at me confusingly but I just stare back at her light brown eyes.

"Well you don't like too much sugar so plain it is." She says as she hands me a perfect cupcake.

"Thank you." I say then go to sit beside Inayah as she licks the frosting.

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