Chapter Five

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AN: First author's note for this posting of the book! Hehe. Hope you are enjoying the story. As grim as "better" looks in this world, things were going better for Alice in the last chapter. Let's see how long that lasts...

Just a heads up, wattpad content sweeping is getting more intense. Idk if even watty winners are safe tbh. Make sure you keep your writing work backed up off wattpad too! (Always good practice). ❤️

With my role fully established and purpose in life clear, my existence was far more tolerable than most humans might claim. For the years I worked by the side of my sibla protector I was happy. Lexia ensured I had everything I might have wished for and more. My position allowed me to feel useful to my Masters and the aide I offered Dreda and other suffering humans on Dulane's estate gave me pride. Though my life was one of hard work with little reward, I truly had found the contentment my mother had wished for me. Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to last.

    Lexia was old, even for a sibla, nearing one hundred eighty. I didn't like to think on it much but I knew that not even sibla were immortal. As the years passed I saw her slowing, relying on me more and more to ensure the kitchens and household continued to run smoothly. I knew it was inevitable. One day she could not be able to continue in her role.

    It was in the middle of a particularly cold winter that she told me the news. The others had retreated to the dorms to weather a snowstorm that had blanketed the estate and made it nearly impossible to do work outdoors. Only a skeleton crew of servants and slaves were permitted to remain in the cozy warmth of the main house where central heat protected from the elements in a way the drafty slave quarters did not. Of course, Lexia had selected me to help her run the kitchen.

    Having ensured Dulane and his family were fed and the house was tidy, I made tea for myself and Lexia and happily joined her by the fire I'd set in the hearth, glad for the chance to relax for once.

    "I am leaving, Alice."

    It was the first thing she said after I settled into my chair. I remember the cold chill that ran through my body even as the heat of the fire pressed against my skin.

    "I must consider my family," Lexia continued. "My age and health. It's time for me to move in with my daughter and enjoy my retirement. She has a lovely sheep farm not far from here."

    I didn't answer. What could I say? I had come to see Lexia as my friend. I did indeed want her to be happy. But what would happen to me when she was gone?

    "I have never met another human quite like you," Lexia said, staring at me with her now rheumy eyes. "I can not deny that. You are strong, Alice. Intelligent, talented. Your mother would be very proud of what you have become."

    "Thank you, "Ma'am," I answered quietly.

    "I want to take you with me."

    My eyes opened wide at her words. Was it possible? Could Lexia really save me from my Master and my life on his estate?

    "I don't want you to get your hopes up," she said, no doubt sensing my excitement. "Cedrick might not be willing to sell and I don't have much to offer in payment."

    I nodded, unswayed by her concerns. I was meant to be by this woman's side. She had protected me, taught me so very much. How could I continue without her? Surely my Master would allow me to go with her if she offered him payment. Lexia and Dulane were friends after all and she'd given him so many years of service.

    "I live to serve," I said, and meant it. "Nothing would please me more than the chance to care for you and your family as long you will it."

    The old woman smiled and took my hand, squeezing it slightly in reassurance. "I will do my best, Alice," she said. "I will do my best."

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