Chapter Thirty-Three

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When I woke the next morning, a haze of exhaustion clouded my vision, head pounding. I knew I had gained no sleep, fear and discomfort keeping my body from true rest. I remained beneath the covers longer than I ought have, hoping to avoid Rebecca and any others I might recognize. As soon as the room was nearly emptied I rushed to the showers, trying to dress as quickly as possible lest I suffer too greatly for my tardiness.

A night on the uneven hard surface my new bed offered had left my limbs crying out in stiff pain, only adding to the sting of the wounds on my back and the new bruises on my face and limbs from Dulane and Madame's attacks. But the cold water remaining in the showers was unforgiving and I had no choice but to bear it, washing, replacing the tape on my bandages, and throwing my hair into a quick bun as I rushed towards the main house, just short of a run. My heart sank when I recognized the figure standing just by the slave entrance in wait.

"You're late," Aaron Everett scowled. It took every last ounce of my strength to continue forward. No more, my mind cried I couldn't take any more abuse.

"You are to come with me, human," he said, confirming my worst fears. I couldn't even muster an attempt at protest. I followed after him obediently even when I saw clearly our trajectory. He was leading me to the breeding sheds.

Some part of me wondered what I might have done to warrant Dulane permitting Everret access to me again, another part of me simply didn't care. I was already so bruised and sore I wasn't certain I would survive one of the overseer's "training." I knew this was for the best.

Let this pain finally take me from my Master, I prayed silently. Let it be over quickly. Let me be reunited with my Mary.

"Get in there, bitch."

Everett's words brought me from my thoughts and back into the real world as he opened the door to the first shed we reached and pushed me roughly inside. The wounds on my back screamed as his hands pressed into them with no care. I could feel the wetness seep through my dress as a bister opened, leaving blood and puss trickling down my back beneath my bandages. I bit my lip not daring to cry out.

"Your mate will be here any moment," the overseer said, eyeing me critically. "I feel sorry for him. Having to bed a mess like you. But your Master is eager to see you with child again."

A cold shiver traveled through me as his words registered. No! Not again! my mind raged. How could I go through the pain again! Another child. Another baby to rip from my arms. Everett only smiled at my reaction.

"I have to say, Alice, he said, "they are always complementing your cooking, but I wonder if the product you supply is even more impressive."

A sick feeling welled in my stomach.

"I'm certain I have tasted the flesh of your young before, but that girl was quite delectable. So tender and fresh. I would be eager to sample another.

Mary. An image of my dead daughter flashed before my eyes. Her slit throat, her dead gaze. My fisted balled up in rage and grief. I wanted to attack him whatever the consequences and had every intention of causing as much damage as I could. Everett was expecting my reaction. The moment I stepped towards him he slapped me so hard blackness momentarily danced before my eyes.

"You think you can strike your Masters?" He challenged with a smirk. "Still you fail to learn it seems. Cedrick should have seen you flayed alive for what you did. Attacking the man responsible for your very existence? For every privaliage you have been granted!"

I could see his anger building with every word and true fear seized me. The overseer's hand was on his belt now, the threat of his knife and baton all too clear. But then his face relaxed slightly and he gave me a nasty grin.

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