Chapter Ten

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* Another important character is coming! You have met her briefly before but now she becomes integral to the story. This character really helped shape the Alice of After Humanity. Dreda reappears!


    As day passed to night I staid in the breeding shed where Mary had been born. The child was permitted to remain by my side in a bassinet and one of my birthing assistants was allowed to stay, ensuring my daughter and I were watched for any potential dangers that might befall a new mother and her child. In spite of the fact that I had carried three other babies to term, I did indeed feel the part of a woman giving birth for the first time. Never before had I been allowed to hold one of my young, to bring their warmth close to my body, to feel their mouth on my nipple, suckling and taking nourishment as they were meant to.

    The little life was so small and fragile in my arms I feared I might break her, yet some motherly instinct must have overtaken me. I managed to feed and comfort her cries without much aid. It was lucky that this was so. I knew any complication with this birth, any imperfection perceived in the child, might void my Master's promises all too quickly.

    That night, when my baby had succumbed to sleep and my aide assured me it was safe for me to rest as well, I drifted off with a smile on my face. In my mind I could picture my mother's spirt shining down on me, proud of the child I had brought into life. Promising to watch over us from above. The dream was so pleasing, I slept deeper than I had in years.

    The sun was already risen when I woke again, its pale light creeping through the dirty windows of the cabin and forcing my eyes open. It took me a moment for my mind to recognize my unfamiliar surroundings, but the moment I did, I felt a lurch of fear in my heart. There was another in the room with me. Not the aide I had been left with. An unidentified woman there, greying hair, a slender build, holding my child in her arms.

    "Mary!" I called out my daughter's name in confusion and fear. "My daughter. Where is my daughter?"

    But as the figure turned towards me recognition filled my conscious.

    "Hush," Dreda said, gently rocking my child in her arms. "She's nearly calmed again. Worry not, Alice, Mary is just fine."

    My fear did not abate. It had been long since I'd had reason to interact with the woman who cared for the young of Dulane's flock. In spite of the help I'd offered her in the past, I wasn't certain of how much I might trust the woman. I'd done her no favors in some time. Without Lexia it had been impossible to offer help to any, myself included. But would the woman understand that? Was she resentful? The distrust on my face must have been transparent.

    "Would you like to hold her?" Dreda asked, walking to the bed and offering up the child. "I suspect she might be willing to take more milk now. I wanted to let you sleep earlier and gave her a bottle of formula, but that was a few hours ago."

    As I took my daughter back, I was filled with confusion. Why would Dreda be here? She was in charge of all of the young, a human with true status. Why would she have taken the time to watch over me and my daughter? But as my infant took hold of the proffered nipple and began suckling, I saw only joy in the older women's expression as her smile rained down upon me.

    "Congratulations, Alice," she said. "The child is truly beautiful and so sweet. Much like you were as a baby. And I can practically feel your mother here with us again in Mary's features. You chose her name well. I was overjoyed when I learned your place in the kitchens had been restored, but now this?" she nodded at my daughter. "Truly a blessing from above."

    "I..." I said, trying to form an appropriate response in my mind, "thank you." I watched as Dreda grabbed a chair and pulled it up beside me.

    "I imagine you have some questions," she said. "I'm sorry I can not stay long. Another will come to check in on you soon and I am to take the baby back to the nursery. I managed to convince my overseer to give you a few more hours by your daughter's side, but she will be expecting me soon."

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