Chaper Sixteen

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Because this chapter and the last are a bit slower pace/shorter I'm releasing two chapters today. Enjoy!


Mary's 7th birthday was a cause for true celebration. My child had made it halfway through her youth and was growing strong and healthy, her beauty more pronounced with each passing year. With long dark hair, pale grey eyes and a toasted complexion, Dulane often praised her as the spitting image of Mariana.

    My Master's family had taken to Mary as well, his youngest daughter, Aveline, playing with her nearly every day when my daughter was not at work with me. Though I knew that my young mistress looked upon the child as a pet and not friend, I could not help but feel relief Mary was so beloved.

    Of course, there were concerns that came with such attention. Dreda had even unwelcomely commented once that Dulane's eldest son seemed far too interested in my child.

    "It was Mariana's beauty that lead her to early death," she lamented, "when youth betrayed her, taking away the pretty thing her Masters valued they sent her away, not wishing to look on her ruin."

    Though the idea sent shivers of discomfort running through me at the thought, I coldly told her that Mary was not her concern. After all, there was nothing I could do to protect my daughter from what the future might hold beyond preparing her to be competent and savvy.
Dreda's comments did not change our realities and I could hardly do anything to alter the fact that Mary had been born with a pleasant appearance, for better or worse.

    Luckily I had little dealings with Dreda at all now. Now that Mary was a favored human in the household, she was permitted to come with me to work in the morning rather than heading to the nursery. After a quick breakfast, she would serve Dulane's daughter and wife, entertaining them with stories and her lovely singing voice should they wish. At lunch, she returned to me for afternoon lessons in the kitchen. Dreda remained in her nursery sanctuary and out of my way.
While I could not openly offer Mary the same education as Lexia had allowed me, I did my best to supplement the basic learning in reading and writing that I'd been permitted to impart. Not only did I share with her all I'd found most useful in service as a slave, but that which had relived my loneliness and despair over the years.

Straining my memory I tried to recall as many of the stories as I could remember from the books Lexia once permitted me to borrow. Mary was particularly fond of princess tales. She loved to hear of their castles and happily ever afters.
Still, I was strict in curtailing her dreams from growing too boundless. When she told me one day that she herself might be a princess in disguise, my reaction was harsh.

    "You are a human," I told her plainly. " Your Masters are the Kings and Queens, their children the princesses and princes. You are their slave. The better you serve the happier your life will be. Never forget this. Should you wish to stay in the Dulane palace you must always do exactly as you are told."

    My daughter did not protest. She knew me well understand such a tone was not to be contested. Though I felt guilt quashing her dreams I knew what I said was the truth. Having one's head in the clouds could be deadly to a human and it was dangerous enough that I shared these tales with her.

    "Promise that all of your stories will always honor your Masters," I continued. "Humans can do no more in this world than survive and serve."

    "Miss. Dreda said that, in heaven, humans too will be princesses," Mary said.

    I could not help the reaction that came almost instantaneously, my hand colliding with her cheek.

    "Dreda is not your mother," I said. " She is no longer responsible for you. It is I who care for your life. The nursery head's stories of heaven will not help you on earth. Put them from your mind and concentrate on what happiness you can find here in this life, Mary."

    My daughter stared at me in shock, rubbing her reddened skin with tears in her eyes but I did not release my stern facade. My own birthday had come and gone. At twenty-eight going on twenty-nine, I knew my time with Mary could soon come to an end. It was possible Dreda would outlive me, as she had my mother, but I would be damned if she interfered with the charmed path Mary had been set upon.

    "You like Miss Aveline?" I asked, softening my tone ever so slightly.

    Mary nodded.

    "You like the treats and attention she gives you? All of that can be taken away in an instant, Mary. You are growing older and must understand this. If you wish to please your Masters and me you will do as I say. "

    "Yes, Mama," Mary answered obediently. I only hoped that my lesson would have true effect.

    Despite her momentary fantasies, Mary was generally content with her place as the Dulane family's favored pet human. The clothes she was given were more and more fine, the treats of chocolate and toys more indulgent. Still, I refused to relax my efforts to keep Mary aware of her true status.

    When she came home with sweets or new hair ribbons and even a doll of her own, I took them from her, granting her only small portions of the bounty at a time. I knew more than most what it was like to go from having so much to losing everything and hoped she never might experience such pain.

    But though I remained alert, there were indeed great benefits to Mary's popularity among our Masters. Madam Rin looked on me more favorably with each passing day. When Mary came to the kitchen, everyone's mood cheered, both human and sibla alike.

    The child's skill rivaled even my own as a youth, and her cheerful demeanor, unsullied by years of slavery, was a breath of fresh air. My place as the mother of this charmed, angelic, creature ensured I was aptly rewarded.

    As I had been serving as Lexia's favorite, I was soon granted keys to the knives in the kitchen that were kept locked away after work was through. I had access to all rooms in the main house as well and authority to command any human who worked there. None dared cross me now and I knew some part of me reveled in this power. Even my greatest rivals in the kitchens were forced to act civilly towards in my presence, knowing that Rin used me as her eyes and ears within the household.

    It was in this capacity as household head that I first heard of a new addition to our flock.

    "Our Master has decided to add to his human stock and is considering one of wild blood," Rin informed me one night while we were cleaning the kitchen. "She will likely be assigned to the kitchens it seems and it will fall to us to train her properly. I assume you are up to the task, Alice?"
I was somewhat shocked at the news. In all of my years, there had been only one "wild" human I'd heard of being purchased for the estate. I'd been young at the time, no more than seven. I remembered my mother had been unwilling to speak of the new woman but that I had been fascinated by the idea of a human born outside of captivity. I also remembered the creatures end.
After the wild one had birthed her first child, she'd gone insane. Rumor had it they kept her chained up from that day on, forcing her to reproduce for a few more years before ending her misery. They said she'd tried to run...

    "Of course," I answered my overseer. I would have to do my best to handle the new human and see to it that her end was less tragic than the last's had been. I knew if she tried to escape the blame would fall on me and I had no intention of letting that risk come to myself or my daughter. I only hoped I would be able to keep the new member of our flock in line without having to compromise my morals as a human who would never do intentional harm to her fellows.

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