Chapter Twenty-Five

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I arose early the next morning, determined to act as if it were a normal day, dressing in one of my finer dresses and ensuring that Mary too looked her best. Anything to remind our Masters of our worth and merit. Perhaps the fact that Dulane had not dragged me from my evening chores the night before was a sign that he would indeed let the incident go. Even if he would not, I was determined to face my final moments with dignity.

Aveline and my Master's wife were again to be gone for the day, setting off on an overnight trip to visit relatives and so Mary had been assigned to help with the animals in the barn that morning. I was glad for it. Best that she was temporarily removed from the kitchen and my presence. There was still a true possibility that before the day was out, I might be summoned for "official punishment," as Dulane called public flogging. Any of my team that was present would be forced to bear witness and I didn't want Mary to have to watch that. Seeing my own mother in chains had traumatized me for years!

I tried not to think of the other possibility. That my Master might, in fact, end my life before the day was out. That nothing I did would protect my daughter from my downfall and the repercussions.

"You know how much Mama loves you, don't you Mary?" I said, hugging her tightly once I'd finished braiding her hair.

My sweet girl smiled wide as she nodded her head.

"I love you too Mama!" she answered with her pure childish earnest.

"And you know that Mama is always with you, no matter what. That even if I go away, I will still be there in your heart."

Her smile faltered at the later statement. She was a bright child. I had done what I could to shelter her as much as possible, but she had still grown on Dulane's estate as a slave. A favored slave perhaps, but there was no immunity to the horrors of our reality.

"Are you," she stopped, clearly understanding the ramifications of my words, "are you going away? Is that why you were upset last night?"

All too observant for her own good. I hated that she had to suffer this worry. I hated more that all of her fears and more would likely come true so soon. Crouching down so that we were eye to eye, I took her arms firmly in my hands.

"We've talked about this before, Mary," I said. "Every human's time is limited. We have to make the most of what we have. You had I are so very lucky. We have one another right here and now. Whatever might happen beyond that is out of our control."

My brave girl nodded her head and forced a smile back to her face. I gave her one more quick hug before I stood and inspected her appearance as I did every morning before she went to her chores.

"Now hurry along," I said, assuming my more stern tone. "We mustn't be late to work."

Mary's arms wrapped about my waist for a brief moment before she took up her jacket headed out the door. I followed behind. As my child set off to the barns I took a deep breath and forced myself to head to the main house, dread curdling in the pit of my stomach as I imagined what might await me there. I was prepared for the worst Dulane might have to offer in punishment.

Arriving at the kitchen I could not help but feel a distinct sense of deja vu. It was as if the scars on my body from Everett's old punishments were suddenly awakened, burning in warning. I knew what I had done. I knew what I would likely face. And yet? The kitchen was entirely quiet in the early morning.

A few other girls had already arrived before me, but my station by the stove was still open, my apron hanging exactly where I'd left it the day before.

When Madam came she did not give me so much as a glance before pouring herself a cup of coffee and sitting at the table to take her breakfast while we finished preparing the food for our Master and his family. Was it truly possible she knew nothing of what had transpired the day before? It seemed too good to be true.

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