More Voices Part 5

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Same chapter different POV!

Chapter Five


It's hard to say what drew me to the girl in the cage. Something in her eyes perhaps. In the fearlessness of her gaze that stood out amongst the panic and cowering affect of her fellows.

Magnus and I seldom even ventured to the back of the barn, where slavers kept their most premium stock. The business model we'd established relied upon buying up our girls cheaply and investing excess funds instead into helping them grow while providing true comfort. It was an arraignment I myself had devised in hopes of rescuing those who most needed it while ensuring Magnus would be successful enough to continue his trade. But I felt her eyes watching and so, I looked.

I was used to the gazes of hatred that would fall upon me at the markets. The disgust from those awaiting sale as they gazed upon a human on the other side of the bars. One so at home beside a sibla master. I'd learned to ignore the discomfort long ago. But this girl's stare was not hateful or even frightened... it was curious. That intrigued me enough to take a closer look.

Magnus hesitated to follow when he saw me turn towards my new quarry, as I knew he might. The girl I pointed out was young, plump, and had a pleasing face with deeply tanned skin and shiny black hair. Even among the most valuable wares, she stood out. But Magnus trusted my instincts at the markets and had for nearly three decades, reluctant as he might be, he did not pull me back, instead turning to catch up with me, his long-legged stride by my side almost instantly.

The girl's expression changed to one of fear as we approached. Not surprising. She could have no way of knowing I was not her enemy. I was nonetheless impressed that she didn't look away nor cower to the back of her cell as the girls around her did. It gave me more of a chance to observe.

I stood by quietly as Magnus pointed to the human I had identified, inquiring as to the price, and saw the frown on his face at the reply, but I continued to watch the girl as well.

She was only eighteen at the most by my estimation. Perhaps younger. Her baring however suggested maturity beyond her years. In her face, I saw something. A determination that kept my interest peaked.

"Let us at least examine her," I said to Magnus, well aware, he was ready to walk away given the price the slaver claimed she would garner at auction. Magnus expected to purchase at least ten humans and the budget we'd agreed upon would allow no more than 350 gold for any.

Reluctant as he might be, Magnus nodded to my request. He always deferred to my advice when it came to human purchases. After all, it was I who would be expected to raise them to a finished weight. I had served well in this gruesome employ long enough for him to trust. At least enough to look the girl over.

She did not resist as her captor slipped a lead rope around her neck and brought her forward at Magnus's request. Obedient and yet, there was rebellion in her eyes nonetheless. The spark of one not yet broken. One resolved to face her end with dignity, whatever it would be.

As the slaver prodded the unfortunate girl with his baton, extolling upon us the quality of meat the animal might yield and the offspring she might produce, I watched her face closely. I could see her eyes grow glossy with the threat of tears. None fell. She stared straight ahead as if willing her mind to transcend this horrific reality. Somehow, seeing her bravery tugged at my heartstrings more than the most piteous weeping ever had. It was for one much like her that I long ago committed to rescuing as many wild humans as I could from the fate of the markets.

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