Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Dulane's words to his guest confirmed what I already had suspected. I would be given one more chance to be alone with Gregory. The test for pregnancy would follow roughly two weeks after and once I was confirmed barren, the call to the butcher would follow. I was eager to share the news with Rebecca. A chance to more firmly set the date we would strike. But though thoughts of rebellion were at the forefront of my mind, as I returned to the kitchen and set about a new list of tasks Madam put upon me, the image of my Master's guest would not leave me.

    Magnus Kendrick, a sibla with human eyes. A farmer, and yet one who cared for human discomfort and fear. Who might have protested my treatment were it not for my Master's status. I could see it in his expression. The urge to say somthing. To speak on my behalf. It was utterly confusing. I thought back to the whispers I'd heard from the other women in the kitchen. Their comments of the guest's "strange" nature. Had they seen it as well?

    With more on my mind than usual, the rest of my day dragged on. Still, I worked as diligently as I could, trying to avoid looking at the clock on the wall as its hands moved at an agonizingly slow pace. The sooner I completed my work, the sooner I might be granted release from the kitchens and relay my new findings to my allies. 

Unfortunately, just as I'd finished my earlier list of chores, another hand-scrawled note was passed to me by one of Rin's favorite assistants. The woman often took advantage of my ability to read by sending others to deal with me, handing off orders by proxy, keeping our direct contact to a minimum.
Looking to my new assignments I sighed deeply. Madam wished for me to clean the ovens and fireplace, one of her favorite tasks to put on those who were out of her favor. The work was dirty, unpleasant. It involved filling one's lungs with dark soot, crusting one's hands and skin with grease. The perfect demeaning work. Worse, I would be unable to start until all other kitchen activities were concluded. The day would be far longer than I'd hoped.

    Knowing the work would certainly soil my good clothes, I decided to return to the dorms first so I might replace the garments I'd been loaned with somthing more suitable. But I was barely halfway to the door before Rin's voice stopped me.

    "Where do you think you're going?"

    Madam's harsh tone froze me in place

    "I thought you were through with me in any meal preparation aide, Madam," I answered. "I was hoping to change before I cleaned the ovens and spoiled the clothes my Master so generously offered earlier."

    Madam Rin scowled, hand coming to rest on her wooden baton.

    "Forgive me for presuming," I said quickly, hoping to avoid more bruises. Dulane had already made it clear I would answer for my earlier conduct with Mr. Kendrick. The thought of the strange sibla man took me from myself again, my mind reliving the image of the cold blue eyes that somehow radiated such warmth.

    "Mr. Dulane has another visitor to entertain," Madam said, calling me from my thoughts. "You are already dressed appropriately so you might as well go. The ovens can wait."
The news surprised me. Dulane did not typically host guests during the week. Kendrick had been announced but I had heard of no other planned visitors. It would be odd for two to be scheduled in the same day. Moreover, it was late for one to come at all. Well past dinner now. Still, I certainly wouldn't argue.

    "Go to them as you are," Madam said. "They are taking drinks in Mister Dulane's parlor and need someone to serve them."

    She thrust a platter of small cakes and chocolates into my hands and I set off, eager to escape her ill mood and curious to see who might be dropping in on the Dulane Estate after all others had likely retired for the evening.
    When I arrived at the parlor the door was locked, but even though they spoke low and the sound was muffled by the heavy door, I could still make out Dulane's voice along with that of another man. It struck me as odd he might have locked the room. I wondered who he might be trying to keep from walking in. I knocked on the door nonetheless, obeying my orders.

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