Chapter Seven

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* A/N: Things are rough for Alice atm and they will get worse before they get better. Trigger warning, this chapter has sexual assault/rape contained within.

    Sore from Everett's first "training" I nonetheless forced myself to wake the next morning. I could not afford to appear weak. Though I myself was unused to physical punishment and suffered greatly with just twenty lashes, many other humans might have been dealt more in the same circumstances. I hoped this was a sign that Dulane was still willing to protect me from too much damage.

     I ignored the protests of my stiff arms and back as I rose from my mattress. I gritted my teeth against the pain as I donned my dress, the fabric rubbing against the fresh welts on my skin in spite of the bandages. Around me, no one seemed to take notice of my agonized expression and not one offer to help. I wasn't entirely surprised. My position of power in the kitchens had always made others wary of me, but yesterday had clearly marked me as one "out of favor" with our Master. It was likely that all were afraid that in showing me any sympathy they might be reported for interfering with my punishment.

    While the others went off to their assignments I made my way to the infirmary barracks as I'd been instructed. There, a surly sibla woman ordered me to strip the top half of my dress so she could examine my injuries. After a cursory glance at the marks on my back, she pronounced me healed well enough to return to my tasks, rebandaging the welts and ordering me to report at the end of the week for a final inspection.

     Feeling her fingers on the raw and bruised lash marks I did my best to remain still and compliant, biting my inner lip to stop from wincing too noticeably. I wanted nothing more than to return to work and prove my dedication was unquestionable and the punishment had been more than enough to chasten me. Still, with the new bandages wrapped tight across my back and my clothing once again pressing, I could feel each of the strikes clearly, every breath forcing my ribs to expand and my back to protest the skin stretching the bruises taut.

    I made my way to the main house and the kitchen in a trance, hoping that focusing on my work would help to escape the pain and distract from my fears of further punishment. But when I went to retrieve my apron from the wall, it was not there. Still too drained from the previous day's torture I didn't know what to make of this strange discovery. I was certain I had hung my apron where I always did the day before. My eyes scanned the room, looking for the lost clothing but when I looked to my workspace, I was even more surprised to see it already occupied by Hattie.

    A competent cook, Hattie had often served as my second and I'd thought of her as a friend, but as I stared at her now, confusion overwhelming my already taxed mind, a nasty smile peeled to life on the woman's face. I had only taken one step in her direction before a sharp voice called out, grabbing my attention.

    "Where do you think you are going?"

    I turned to see the kitchen overseer glaring at me but I still could not understand my surroundings nor her harsh tone.

    "I am going to my station, Ma'am," I answered naively.

    The sibla woman's gaze remained frigid.

    "Your station has changed," she said. "Did you not understand that yesterday? Perhaps Mr. Everett did not embed that lesson into you clearly enough."

    The scars on my back burned all the more at her words, the threat clear.

    "It has become quite apparent to all on this estate that you forgot your true station long ago and until you have re-learned your place, your tasks will be limited to those which befit your role here."

    I stared at the woman entirely speechless. Looking along the line I could see that all of the available stations had already been filled. Rin must have taken advantage of my trip to the infirmary to ensure all had arrived before myself. The few human eyes that watched me in my interaction with the new kitchen overseer had no sympathy whatsoever. Many in fact looked almost pleased to see me dressed down so publicly. I felt a new mix of anger and frustration flush through my body.

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