Chapter Nine

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It was amazing how my situation improved with Dulane's favor returned. The damaged clothes I'd done my best to patch with scraps of cloth were quickly replaced with new garments of sturdy cotton. My mother's handwritten recipes were returned to me in a fine wooden box where I might store them safely.

While Madam Rin's displeasure at my Master's usurpation of her power lingered at first, I made every effort to serve as the most loyal of slaves. Though I suspected she would always look on me with distrust, it was not long before her frigid demeanor towards me relaxed. She was receiving praise once again from Dulane for the meals coming out of her kitchen and though she would never have directly credited me for my efforts towards that result, she was nonetheless aware of my value.

    Now that my standing with the kitchen overseer was more favorable, Everett too was thwarted in his attempts to punish me further. I did my best to continue to please Madam and worked hard to avoid being caught out if the kitchen alone where Everett might find me and attempt to drag me away for his own pleasure.

    Further protection was soon granted when I was ordered one morning to report to the breeding sheds to meet my new mate. Though my entire body shook as I walked towards the part of the estate that held so much trauma for me now, I knew that a pregnancy was the only way to truly secure my renewed status. If I could not reproduce, my talent in the kitchen would not be enough to spare me and my place would soon be among those marked for cull. Stomach churning with fear and discomfort I entered the breeding shed with a male I had not yet lain with before. I was grateful when he proved to be far gentler than I could have hoped, going about his task in a perfunctory manner, taking what he wished without causing me any particular pain or discomfort.

    When confirmation of my pregnancy followed a few weeks later I was elated. Some part of me had feared that Everett's abuse might threaten any chance to produce offspring, but fortunately, this was not the case. My condition meant the cruel overseer would officially be forced to search for another plaything. Future stock was a precious commodity and he couldn't risk harming the child growing in my womb. Truly safe from his hands after months of suffering, I felt as if I could finally breathe again.

With the baby growing in my womb I threw myself into my position of favor with all the more gusto, intent on keeping my Master's love. No more did I attempt to use my station to help others. I kept my head down, fully prepared to play the part of the perfect obedient human. Madam Rin kept close a close eye on me and I couldn't afford to let her catch me at anything that might be considered overstepping my bounds. My commitment to survival overtook all else, especially when my pregnancy became more advanced.

    "You are carrying quite high," the kitchen overseer said one day, staring at my ever-growing belly. "I have heard some say that, in humans, this is a sign the offspring is female. Let us hope you can produce another useful worker to whom you can pass your skills. You're not getting any younger after all."

    My heart jumped in my chest as the baby kicked. Could it be? This pregnancy had indeed felt different than the rest. Of course I had been more nervous with this child. I was terrified I might lose the baby and tumble down from Dulane's favor once again. If I could not bring the pregnancy to term, there was a frighteningly high possibility that he would send me back to Everett or sell me to the butcher. I was only twenty-one years old and, with life bearable again, I wanted to survive! But now a new prospect emerged in my mind. What if this baby was not only healthy but proved to be a female?

    "I will see to it that your rations are increased and vitamin supplements provided in your portion," Madam Rin said. "I want my new assistant strong and healthy." She gave me a tight-lipped smile which I forced myself to return. But inside my head, my thoughts were jumbled. A baby girl... would my Master let me keep her as my mother did me? Rin seemed eager for a potential new assistant.

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