Chapter Twenty-Six

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With the hour late, the estate was more quiet than usual. All the other humans and overseers were hard at work by now, their midday meal and respite complete. This only served to heighten the alarms of worry blaring in my head.

Mary could not be with Aveline. She was not in the nursery. She had not shown up for lunch. I imagined horrible scenarios. What if she had fallen somewhere and been too injured to move? What if Everett had finally noticed her more recent growth spirt and targeted her as he had once targetted me! That thought brought a sick feeling to my stomach even as I tried to console myself.

Mary was not just some ordinary human. She was Dulane's little prize, adored by his daughter, loved by all, sibla and human alike. No one would dare touch a hair on her head. It was unlikely she could just disappear. If she was "missing" it was likely that my Master knew of her whereabouts. That she was not lost but had been called away to answer his command. Perhaps to satisfy his desire for one of her songs or her company.

I wondered if it was possible he missed his own daughter and merely wished for a young human pet to accompany him for the day. I knew he had taken to enjoying Mary's presence while she played with Aivaline. Of course, the fears of motherly instinct would not abate. I had to see for myself that she was safe. Dulane was the only one who could authorize a search for her if she was truly lost. That left only one choice. I would have to confront my Master.

I felt my body trembling with fear involuntarily as I drew closer to the house. I knew what I had done. I knew the consequences I would face. Perhaps that was why Dulane might have taken Mary. To force me to his presence. To make me grovel for forgiveness. I was wholly prepared to do so. There was nothing I wouldn't sacrifice for my daughter.

I only hoped he would not be so cruel as to make her watch my punishment. Flashes of own mother in chains danced in my mind. Of Everett's cruel whip forcing her to the death caravan. The image still haunted my nightmares. Mary was innocent and did not deserve to be marred by such horror.

Entering the servent's door I walked decidedly away from the kitchen, where I knew I was missed, and went straight to the stairs. I had to reach my Master's office before any might see me and question why I was not where I should be. The consequences would be bad enough when I reached my intended destination.

As I walked I became more and more certain Dulane had engineered this physiological torture. Perhaps he intended to break my daughter as well by forcing her to bear witness to my suffering.

I remembered the days of pain I'd face when Lexia left. Of Everett's "training". Would he be waiting too? Dulane had granted mercy back then. He would have none this time. He would give Everett leave to do whatever he wanted....Still, I did not dare slow my steps. I rushed towards my doom, willing to face whatever lay ahead as long as I might first confirm my daughter was safe.

Reaching the top of the stairs I headed to my Master's study, hoping I would find him quickly and not have to continue my precarious search. Wandering where one was not meant to be was a deadly offense for a human. Of course, so was approaching our Master without his command. So many misteps for which a human might loose their lives.

I had just reached the door, my heart thudding in my chest as I prepared to knock when I heard the deep voice behind me.

"What are you doing here, Alice?"

The shadow of Dulane's figure looming froze me in place. Like a terrified rodent, caught the gaze of a cat, knowing the end is inevitable, I turned to face my demise.

"Well?" he demanded when I did not answer. I stared at his expression, trying desperatley to interpret it. Never before had it been this crucial that I might do so, but his true mind was just as unreadable as ever. Still, I could not remain silent.

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