Chapter Thirty-Five

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*A/N:  So... the sparks of rebellion are fully ignited & the fame is starting to catch. But we need more than 2 people to fully ignite this thing. Gregory is still uncertain. Alice needs more allies. Let's keep adding kindling shall we? Things are heating up!😅😈🔥

After a week of "mating" Gregory and I were parted again, promises exchanged that we would both attempt to spread the message of rebellion.

     Given that we had not actually lain together, I would not become pregnant but I was certain Dulane would not give up so easily. We would be offered another chance to join together when I was next in my cycle and by then, I hoped to offer my former mate true hope that our plans to overthrow our masters were feasible. For that, I knew I would need help and it was there I found the true problem. How could one so tainted to both sibla and humans alike gather others to her cause?

    Though I continued my reconnaissance every day as I had since rebellion had reignited my desire to live, I could not help but despair in how little others were willing to interact with me. Even if they did have sympathy for my plight as Gregory had implied, I had no idea how I might know which were safe to speak with. Moreover, I had no desire to cause others danger in conversing with one so hated by our masters as myself. My thoughts turned of course to the woman who again and again proved her power among both human and sibla.

    I had not seen Dreda since she had cared for me in the days after my punishment though I imaged she still watched from afar. I needed more. I needed her to know of my alliance with Gregory. To help guide me in my goal of rallying others to our cause. Unfortunately, I had no idea how we might be able to speak again in private. I had to send her a message.
My first experience in condemnation from my Master had taught me a valuable lesson. No gift once given could not be taken away. When I had regained my place under Madam, before Mary's birth, I had taken precautions to ensure I would never lose my most valued possessions again. Left alone to finish cleaning the larder one night, I managed to sneak, undetected, to my secret treasure trove.

    Crawling behind a bag of flour on my hands and knees I went to the loose bricks hidden there and forced them from the wall, breath held as I waited to see if the hidden items I'd stored were still safe. My body relaxed when my hand pulled out the worn book of Grimm's Tales.

    Covered in dust though they were, my stash of paper, pencils, and the copy of stories I'd used to read to Mary were untouched. I hugged the book close, remembering the day Mary had managed to beg it from Avaline, returning to me the tales I'd loved in my youth. I remembered how proud she'd been to read the words to me of the few fables she knew well. How wonderful it was to wrap my child in my arms and share with her a world where good truly did conquer evil. A reality so much kinder than our own. Now I would take on the part of these imaginary heroes, avenging my daughter's death and bringing justice to the villains that had abused so many.

    I retrieved a few sheets of paper and one of my precious writing utensils, putting the rest of my supplies and the book back into their hollowed out spot and replacing the bricks. I stuffed my prize into the space between my breasts and went back to cleaning. The next morning I arose before dawn and composed my note, going to my day of work with hopes I might find the one to act as messenger and reconnect me to my one true friend. Luck was on my side.
    The morning was uneventful. Dulane was away on business and I was ordered to the kitchen for the morning. As usual, Madam had given me a variety of unpleasant assignments, the first of which involved scrubbing every inch of the kitchen floor by hand. But thought the task was tedious and painful, I could not help but see it as an opportunity. As I crawled along the hard ground on my hands and knees, I worked to keep my eyes and ears open to whatever opportunity I might find to discover allies to my cause and a means to deliver the dangerous note pressing against my skin.

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