More Voices Part 7

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Chapter Seven

As I was was pulled from the stage, I heard a pitiful wail ring out behind me. It seemed the next girl on the block had taken my place among the butcher's purchases. I swallowed back the choking guilt that overwhelmed me. I'd deserved death no less than any of the others. The butcher had claimed my flesh. I should already be condemned. Then again, I had no idea if my new owner had spared me. Even through my disorientation I wondered what fate I might face with this sibla man who'd purchased my life. Him and his... What was Alice to him? She didn't act the part of a slave. Now that my future was potentially in the strange woman's hands I would could not help but think of the other's assessment of her.

Greyskin. A traitor to humanity

Why else would Alice's Master permit her such freedom and power? But still, I couldn't quite believe it. Though woman's stoic face and manner had been hard as she'd eyed me like a piece of meat, I was sure I'd seen kindness in her expression as well. Had that been an illusion? A wishful hope? I couldn't help but wonder if working so closely with a sibla master had changed the woman into something not human herself, more like the cold cruel creature who owned her. Her age and demeanor suggested she had been with Kendrick a very long time after all. This jumble of thoughts continued to swirl in my brain as the slavers herded me and an assortment of other terrified women down a long hall and into a holding cell, locking the door behind.

The holding pen was not very crowded and relatively unguarded with only one sibla man standing outside the entry, but none of the other captives were daring enough to talk. After all, what was there to say? Most sat huddled in on themselves trying to shut out the world. Or maybe they were just trying to stay warm. With each step on the concrete floor I felt icy shivers attacking my naked body. It was as if rather than protect from the elements, the hard walls only served to trap the cold around us. Seeing no other option, I copied the others' example, lowering myself to the ground and hugging my legs tight as best I could with bound hands, hoping to gain a bit of body heat to revive my frozen limbs. As exhausted as I was, I'd nearly managed to doze off when the rattle of keys at the door of my cage grabbed my attention.

"We'll have your animals for you in just a moment, Sir," I heard a voice say. "We just have to find the brand on their arms and—-"

"That wont be necessary," another answered. "My slave can find our purchases without bothering the rest."

My sleepy eyes opened and focused on the door.


I could see the small human figure moving decisively through the cell, gently waking a few of the women near me and helping them to their feet. Five it seemed. Alice herded them towards the door.

I didn't move, watching the proceedings with confusion. Was the woman coming for me too? But then the Alice's head turned and her  cold grey eyes fell directly upon me. My heart skipped unevenly in my chest.

"Coming, Kathryn?"  Alice asked, that same blank expression on her face as before.

"Yes, Ma'am," I answered, quickly scrambling to my feet. I certainly didn't want to be left behind and imagined anything would be have to be better than this trading post....Besides, I knew I didn't have much choice. I'd heard the sum her Master paid for me. I belonged to him entirely, whether I liked it or not.

But as the thoughts swirled and jumbled in my mind, Alice had already turned away. It seemed she simply expected me to follow and had not even bothered to ensure I did so. Of course it was better than being manhandled but I noticed that even my jailer was confused by the behavior of my new Master and his slave. The burly slaver took hold of my arm when I reached the door, checking my brand before letting me go. I increased my pace to catch up to the others who were nearly out of sight by now, the small group already making their way outside through the door at the end of the long hallway of the holding facility.

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