Chapter Nineteen

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    Rebecca's presence continued to keep me on edge in spite of her outward showing of obedience. Though her stomach remained flat, I knew what grew inside. An infant of wild bloodline was valuable. I could not help but think of the wild one that had resided on the estate when I was a child.   

    Might Dulane decide to grant Rebecca the chance to keep her child in hopes of avoiding her attempted escape? If so, what would that mean for Mary...Rebecca was at least eight years younger than me. If I were to be sent away and she and her offspring were to take my place, she might perceive my daughter as a threat! Watching the woman at her chores as the days passed, seeing how the other's quickly warmed to her, intrigued by her exoticism, I became all the more paranoid.

    Worse, Rebecca was a promising cook. Though Rin remained watchful and insisted that I do so as well, even our overseer seemed pleased with the wild one's work. Her successes only served to heighten my concerns.

    In my mind, I held the memory of Rebecca's words when she was at her most vulnerable. She had run before. She had threatened to end the life of her unborn child. These were undeniable facts I could use against her if the need arose but still, I was unwilling to strike when she had done nothing directly to cause any harm. I decided I had no choice but to watch and wait, going about my own tasks as if nothing had changed, even allowing myself to become less restrictive of Mary's access to our newest flock member. If Rebecca were to survive after I was gone, I would be to Mary's benefit to be in her good graces after all.

    It was a little over a month after Rebecca's arrival that Mary asked me a strange question. We had just come to the bathhouse and I was helping her to the shower when I saw her cast a look at Rebecca, towel wrapped around her form and heading back to the dorms.

    "Did you know Miss Rebecca is pregnant?" she asked. "Even though we can't see it yet, there is a baby growing. "

    My guard was immediately up.

    "And how do you know that, my little Mary?" I asked, trying to keep my tone casual.

    "She told us so," Mary answered. "Mistress Aveline and me. She said the baby will have bright red hair just like she has. Aveline said that she can't wait to see another human with red hair."

    My stomach churned uncomfortably. Was Rebecca hoping to win the heart of Dulane's daughter before her child was even born? It was Mary who was meant to be the Dulane family's precious pet, not some half-wild creature. She was Mariana's namesake! But it was Mary's next question that sent true chills along my skin.

    "Do you think Miss Rebecca will be able to keep her daughter? That our Master will let them stay together like he let us?"

    "I think that is very unlikely," I said, hoping my voice sounded steadier than I felt. "Master Dulane has never allowed that privilege to any but your grandmother and myself."

    It was all too clear now. Rebecca was indeed angling for my position. Mary was oblivious but I was not. Worse, I now realized she had more access to my child than I'd suspected. I felt my heart beating unsteadily in my chest.

    Mary frowned at my answer, her naive sympathy blinding her to the danger, not understanding that Dulane would likely only allow one human to keep her offspring so close. That Rebecca and her future child could so easily usurp our position...

    "That's so sad," she said. "Miss Rebecca said that if she can't keep her baby, she doesn't want to have her at all."

    Mary's words cut through my fears as I focused on her intently.

    "She said that?" I asked. Mary didn't understand the implication of the wild one's words but I did. If what my daughter said was true, Rebecca had threatened the unborn child she carried. She'd implied she would hold the infant hostage in order to get her way and keep the baby with her.

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