More Voices Part 3

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Chapter Three


    The sights and smells of the markets were enough to roil the stomach of any human, even one as hardened as I, who had experienced the horror so many times before. There was some sense of relief in that. The day the markets did not churn in my gut and tear at my heart would be the day I had truly lost any remaining thread of my humanity.

    Dressed in my finest clothes I knew the stares and scorn I attracted but was grateful for the protection such extravagance offered. It was clear I was someone's pet, not an animal for sale like all the rest. Of course, my advanced age had made that more obvious as the years past. Even through my thirties, one might have seen the bloodlines I boasted and made an attempt to purchase me for breeding but nearing sixty, I was entirely used up. Now the stares were only scornful, no longer hungry.

    Still, I was not naïve. Without the sibla at my side acting as protector, any one of the grey-skinned creatures around me might lay claim to my body. If not for my womb or meat, then for my servitude. I was a commodity, like every other human and my only salvation was the fact that another already owned my life.

    Looking to the sibla man by my side, I could see his keen focus as he surveyed our competition and the cages of humans surrounding us. The merchandise we'd come to acquire. Still, as Magnus turned the corner, I felt his hand on my shoulder, guiding my body.

    There was no need for him to be quite so protective. I knew how careful I had to be at the markets and would never leave his side. But even after all these years he still worried about my presence there. It was care not condescension that motivated his concern and so I humored him. After all, as horrific as the markets might be, I could not relinquish the chance to be there. To help him identify the girls we could rescue. To help comfort those same girls the moment we took possession. If he were to fear for my safety, he might forbid me to accompany him. The trips to the markets reminded me of what I could never forget. Outside of the oasis of Magnus's estate, my kind were suffering. They were the reason I had to continue. To save those I could and give them comfort for as long as possible.

    The auction wouldn't start till mid-day and until it did, we would roam the cages of the market looking for ones we might purchase without bidding. Though the barn had only been open for fifteen minutes I could already see the bartering at full swing. Sibla haggled with the slavers, humans screamed as they were purchased and then dragged away for slaughter.

    "Watch where you are going, slave," a voice shouted as I was nearly knocked to the ground. I regained my footing and looked up to see the source of the scorn. A slaver stood beside me, glaring, the carcass of a young human boy draped over his shoulder, throat slit, limp form hanging head down, the child's glassy eyes stared blindly ahead. I shuddered in spite of myself.

    In an instant, a grey hand wrapped around my arm protectively and pulled me close. Magnus glared as he frowned at the slaver.

    "You should teach that animal more manners," the slaver quipped. "Too old to not know how to get out of the way of her masters."

    I could feel Magnus's grip on my arm tighten in anger but was glad when he let the man walk away without further comment. As a pair, we were already too conspicuous. There was no need to draw more attention to ourselves.

    "Stay close, Alice," he said. "There is a man who told me he might have merchandise we would be interested in." I saw him look to the clipboard he carried and the map of the market stalls. "This way."

    I followed Magnus past the cages of terrified faces, allowing the haggling sibla voices, sobs of suffering humans, and chopping of knives, to all blend into white noise. I had to focus as well.

    The vendor we went to first was a nasty piece of work, his black stringy hair oily as his smile. Every one of the humans in his possession were in bad shape, with visible scars and bruises staining their bodies. I wished we could take them all but knew this was impossible. I allowed my eyes to scan past the tears and terror, looking at the females I thought might be suitable.

     The suffering humans became objects as I assessed them clinically. It was the only way to perform my task. I avoided looking at their faces, observing their build, height and estimated weight. I scanned for noticeable signs of illness and injury.

    "The one in the back," I whispered to Magnus. "Black hair, dark-skinned." He nodded his head slightly acknowledging my words.

    The girl was a mess. Her left eye nearly swollen shut with a purple tinge all around, her expression, defeated. On her arms and thighs were more bruises not yet healed. She'd likely put up a fight at some point, but the poor child was broken now. I estimated her age to be no more than eighteen.

    Though she was on the thinner side, her face was round in shape, her hips broad. She would gain weight if fed properly. Given the general appearance of her fellows, it was clear their owner wasn't putting much into them. That was to our advantage. Non-premium stock was easier to acquire.

    "How much for that one there?" Magnus asked, pointing to a more robust girl towards the front of the cage.

    It was a strategy we had devised long ago to gain the best price on our true quarry. We needed to know the price the slaver might throw at us to start.

    The man smiled. "You've picked the best of the bunch," he said. "Got some nice meat on those bones. I could let her go for... 500 gold notes. "

    The price was ridiculous but I was not surprised. Everything about the man spoke to his dishonesty and willingness to cut corners.

    "Let's go, Alice," Magnus said without responding to the seller's offer. "Clearly this man has no desire to do business with us."

    Another tactic. The slaver believed we were new to the game. He'd priced the girl accordingly. But in walking away we would soon have more bargaining power.


    We'd barely turned before the man called us back.

    "I was too hasty perhaps. If you are truly interested I might let her go for 400."

    Magnus looked at the girl again as if he were actually considering the offer.

    "350, the slaver tried.

    Finally, a reasonable place from which to begin negotiations.

    "What about the one in the back," Magnus said. The slaver's forehead wrinkled in confusion. The girl was one of the poorest looking of his wares.

    "I would give you 100 to take her off your hands. Give you the chance to upsell the other to one more gullible than I."

     A hint of a wry smile appeared at the corner of Magnus' lip and the slaver hesitated.

    "150," the man tried, but Magnus shook his head.

    "You know you'll be lucky to sell her at all," Magnus said. "Take the offer and I will not spread rumors of the prices you charge for subpar stock."

    The slaver's eyes narrowed but Magnus held his gaze fearlessly. After a moment, the man nodded his head. Just like that, we had our first purchase of the day.

    "Have her sent to the holding facility," Magnus said, handing the slaver our payment. As the slaver opened the cage to extract our chosen human, Magnus and I continued on our way. The girl would be branded and held for us until we finished our day. Though she would suffer pain and fear, she would be safe from any further serious harm and there was some comfort in that. We would not be able to spare them all, but the girls we did acquire would soon be in a far better place than they were now.

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