Chapter Fifteen

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The wonder of youth is surly found in ignorance and this was the gift I wished for my daughter. Ignorance, for as long as I could offer it.

Though I was resentful of our lost time together, part of me was glad Mary spent the majority of her days with other children. My own childhood had been one of isolation in the kitchens with Mama and Lexia, but Mary was able to run and play with girls her own age. When she did come to the kitchen, I tried to ensure that her time there too was positive.

Mary's inquisitive nature made her an eager student, just as I had been. I tried to employ only positive reinforcement whenever possible, hoping to improve her childhood as Mama and Lexia had for me once upon a time. But I was determined to shelter my girl even more, offering my child warmth and compassion where my mother had given me only removed affection. I wanted Mary to have as much happiness as a slave could possibly obtain.

Ensuring the most laborsome and difficult of my chores were completed early, I was able to offer Mary my full attention for the limited time I was granted with her. Together we worked on basic skills, honing her chopping, mixing, and kneading until the prep work she produced began to mimic my own. Nothing gave me greater pleasure than the pride that appeared on her face with every note of well-earned praise.

With her time in the kitchen lessened, Madam soon began to look on Mary more favorably. The child was happy and, given her chance to socialize with other young, she was quite well behaved and content when the time for work arrived. Mary was eager to please and truly a gifted student. Before long, all in the kitchen looked forward to her visits, brightening the day with the optimism and cheer only a child could manage.

In my new life, I found my thoughts often drifting to my own mother, remembering her hope that I would one day find contentment with my lot. With each passing day I became more confident that I had finally done so. The abuses Everett inflicted, the pain of losing my mother and Lexia, all of those trauma's had lead me to the happiest moments of my life beside the little girl who was my legacy. It was as Mama had always said, our purpose lay in helping others. Though my position under Madam had limited my ability to actively provide aide as I used to with Lexia, I took heart in the joyful child I was raising to take on my tasks. Perhaps my past would not taint her on the estate and Mary would be able to do more than myself or even Mariana had once she fully gained both Madam and Dulane's love.

Unfortunately, nothing could keep reality at bay forever. As Mary grew I knew each day brought her closer to the end of childhood and her true place as one of our Master's stalk. I could only shelter her for so long. She was a mere 5 years old when the world of Dulane's business came crashing into the bubble I'd hoped to create for my precious child.

The day began like any other. Before dawn, I dropped Mary off at the nursery complex. Dreda no longer came to greet us. Mary was old enough to find her way to the other children and everyone in the nursery knew her well enough to watch and keep her safe. Mary was true a descendant of Dulane's pride and joy, Mariana. A human of privilege with not a mark against her.

When I checked her hair and dress that morning she stood perfectly still, smiling happily as I planted a kiss on her forehead and bid her to find her way to the older girls who took care of her.

"I will see you soon my love," I said as I did every day. "Just a few short hours and you will be with me again."

Mary giggled. She found my sendoffs to be silly. She took for granted that I would see her again so soon. I never would, but I was happy she was so confident and comfortable that she might believe our lives were more stable than they were in reality.

When noon came, I gathered my midday portion of food and Mary's as well, setting them out on the table in wait for my daughter to arrive. She and I were always granted our place at the head of the long table where humans ate in the kitchen and were permitted to take our rations first.

I was now serving as head house slave again, my status nearly as high as that I had held under Lexia. Mary was my heir. No one dared question our position and even whispers of discontent with my status as a "greyskin" were lessened now. I knew this was a sign of fear and not respect. I didn't care. My life was now dedicated to Mary above all else. While I was fully willing to help others, I knew I would never again do anything to jeopardize the power I had that kept my child safe.

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