Chapter Fourty-Nine

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When I awoke within the trailer, it was Magnus's face I saw crouching beside me, his features plastered in worry. My eyes fluttered shut after a moment their lids far too heavy to lift, the heat of the trailer was overwhelming. The cup of water I'd imbibed was a long distant memory and my parched throat cried out for relief.

"Alice," Magnus whispered, touching my shoulder gently, no doubt worried he might startle me. "We have arrived."

His prompting forced me to respond by opening my eyes more fully.

"Is this real?" I asked through a groggy haze. I could feel the words in my mouth, thick like wet sand. "Did they really let me go?"

"I made a promise," he answered with a smile. "I swore I would not abandon you."

I tried to smile back, hoping my lips were moving as I commanded. I wanted him to know how grateful I was.

"Here," he said, "Let's sit you up."

I felt his hands on my back, helping me to a seated position before he took a flip knife from pocket.

"Hold out your hands and I can cut the restraints," he said.

I complied without a second thought and allowed him to slip his knife beneath the ropes wound tightly about my wrists. A moment later the pressure released.

"Thank you," I said, separating my hands to inspect the damage. They were red to be sure, the tying and retying of the ropes having left deep grooves embedded in the skin. But there were no cuts in the flesh that I could see. Now that the pressure was gone, those marks would fade. Magnus however seemed horrified at my condition.

"Your wrists!" he exclaimed in concern. I couldn't worry about something so trivial. I knew that other injuries were more problematic. Though I was so glad to be in the safety of Magnus's care I could feel the pains of the past month upon my body.

The dizziness I felt walking to the trailer had only intensified now. The air was cloying and the smell of hay was making me sick. I tried to imagine how I might hide how ill I really felt. Magnus had rescued me, but would he still want a human that was so damaged?

"They will heal," I said in response to his troubled gaze. It was hard to force the words from my lips. My head pounded and my body ached. I needed fresh air, water, something to relieve the pain. I could see from his expression that Magnus was not fooled by my attempt at strength in any case.

"What is taking so long!"

A call from outside the trailer. I recognized Torvald's voice, his tone laced with the same irritation I'd heard back at the holding facility.

"I have other things to do today, Magnus. Take the animal so I can be on my way." Magnus only rolled his eyes in response.

"Forgive my brother's rudeness," he said, offering me a kind smile. Even in my exhaustion I could see through the lighthearted reaction there was indeed some worry within. "Can you stand?" he asked.

The question surprised me. Did he suspect I might be too frail to do even that? In the haze of my mind I felt panic join the other sensations coursing through me, only heightening the pounding in my head. Was it possible I was indeed that weak? In response, I attempt to rise.

I gritted my teeth against the pain I felt trying to put pressure on my sore wrists. My arms protested as I continued. I'd been moving so little for so long they could barely support my weight. I didn't care. I'd pushed through impossible pain before. But when I tried to put pressure on my leg, the agony that shot through my body sent me back down to the straw. I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment. I was so helpless. It seemed my injuries were worse than I'd realized.

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