Prom Pact

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Tatum POV:

I heard the doorbell ring from downstairs as I was standing in front of the bathroom mirror so that I could tie my tie. 

Emily and I have been 'dating' for three weeks now and it's finally time for prom. We went dress shopping two weeks ago.

More specifically, she went dress shopping.

I told her to pick any style dress and any color that she wants and that I would match my suit to her. She looks stunning in everything and she's the main focus of tonight. 

"Tate! Emily is here!" My mom called from downstairs.

"Almost ready!" I called back. I quickly ran over to my dresser and sprayed some perfume on the collar of my shirt before running downstairs. 

My jaw nearly dropped when I saw Emily standing in the entryway. I mean I saw her try on the dress in the store and I knew she looked beautiful then but this is on a whole different level right now.

She was wearing a sparkly light yellow dress with a low cut top and lace designs across the stomach. Her hair was in a half up and half down look. The hair that was down was curled and the rest was up in a braid that wrapped around her head like a crown. Her make up was done and she was wearing lipstick but I still think that she's the most beautiful girl that I've ever met even without all of that.

I slowly took the last few steps down the stairs and walked over towards Emily. She was wearing a low pair of high heels so instead of us being the same height, she was slightly taller than me. In her hand she held a bouquet of red roses which she handed to me. I couldn't help but remember our first date when she brought me flowers. She stuck to her word when she said that she would buy me flowers for any future dates.

"Thank you. And you look beautiful." I whispered.

"So do you." She replied with a huge smile. I reached over on the counter and grabbed the bouquet of yellow tulips that I had bought her. Tulips are her favorite flower. She told me one time years ago and I never forgot it.

"Aww you girls look so pretty." My mom gushed. I turned to face her as I stood next to Emily, wrapping an arm around her waist. 

"Thanks mom." I replied.

"Come on and hold up your flowers so I can get some pictures of you two!" She demanded with a smile, making Emily and I laugh. She snapped about a hundred pictures from every single angle that she could think of. She had us take pictures with with Dad and Weston too, even though they both share a mutual hatred for getting their picture taken.

She finally decided that enough was enough and put her phone back into her pocket. She looked at us with tears in her eyes.

"You guys are so grown up." She whispered.

"Stop mom! You're going to make me cry." I replied as I rubbed away the tears that threatened to fall from my own eyes.

"Aww come give me a hug girls." She whispered. Without even hesitating, Emily and I both stepped forward and pulled my mom into a big hug. 

"I'm so glad that you guys are finally working things out. Tatum was absolutely miserable without you Emily-"

"OKAY THAT'S ENOUGH! WE'RE LEAVING!" I quickly yelled to cut my mom off from whatever she was about to say. Emily just laughed.

"It was good seeing you again Mrs. Reese." She said.

"It was good seeing you too Emily. Now go have fun girls." My mom said. We then waved goodbye to her and walked out of the door. The second the door was shut I covered my eyes and groaned.

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