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Emily POV:

When we got to the restaurant, a hostess seated us right away. Sienna had called ahead while we were waiting for the shuttle to book our reservation.

Speaking of the shuttle, it was silent between the three of us the entire ride. Sienna tried a couple of times to start conversation but neither Tatum or I spoke. It was like we were both sizing each other up, waiting for the other to crack.

Tatum had stared at me for the entire shuttle ride but it didn't make me uncomfortable. Instead it did the exact opposite. Tatum's gaze made me feel things I haven't felt in a while. She makes me feel nervous but confident at the same time. The longer she looked at me with those beautiful hazel eyes the stronger the desire for her pooled in me.

Stop it you have a girlfriend. You can't be thinking about her like that.

Tatum knew exactly what she was doing to me too because the entire shuttle ride, that stupid sexy grin didn't leave her face once.

Now that we were at the restaurant, the hostess sat us at a circle table with three chairs around it. We each took one before ordering our drinks. As we waited for the waiter to come back, there was one burning question in the back of my mind that I was just itching to ask. Against my better judgment, I spoke.

"So Tatum why did you choose UConn? They give you a D1 scholarship or something?" I asked, pretending like I didn't watch Tatum pick her school live on signing day.

"Actually not at first no. When I committed UConn had zero interest in me." She replied casually.

"What? That's ridiculous. I've seen your highlights from last season. The coach must be fucking mental to not have offered you a scholarship after the first clip." I stated.

"Here's your drinks." The waiter said as she came back and placed a cup in front of each of us. I took a sip of mine when I looked across the table to see Tatum's face glowing with a smile and her eyes shinning. Confused, I looked at Sienna to see that she was smirking the same way.


I just realized what I had just said.

I basically admitted in front of Tatum that I kept up with her stats while I was gone.

"Is everyone ready to order?" The waiter asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I'll have the fettuccini alfredo." I stated.

"I'll have spaghetti and meatballs." Sienna added. I watched as the waiter quickly wrote down our orders before turning to Tatum.

"And for you?" She asked. I watched Tatum lock eyes with me as her smile grew.

"I'll have the pasta fagioli." She said casually. The air practically got stuck in my throat as I was pulled back into a memory from almost a year and a half ago.


*Flash back to a year and half ago*

Emily POV:

"What is that?" I asked. My curiosity getting the better of me. "It smells so good." Tatum smiled slightly but she had a nervous look on her face.

"It's pasta fagioli. It's a traditional Italian soup." She explained.

"Where did you learn how to make it?" I asked.

"From Tito and Chesca." Tatum said nonchalantly.

"Who is Chesca? You know what? It doesn't even matter. The real question is why the fuck are you here at 11 at night with a pot of fucking soup?" I asked annoyed.

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