Why Start Now?

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Emily POV:

That night I fell into a deep, deep sleep. Considering the events of last night I was completely mentally and physically drained which is likely why I fell asleep so easily. What kept replaying in my mind all night was not the fact that Cam cheated on me, it was the fact that Tatum stood up for me.

She took absolutely no shit from Cam or Layla. During their conversation I was completely drowned out because my mind was in shock but I could tell by how angry Tatum was getting that they were saying things about me. I'm kind of glad that I didn't hear what they said.

I will never admit it to Tatum because I am supposed to hate her for how she broke my heart, but I really appreciate what she did for me last night. Not just the sticking up for me part but also the fact that she insisted on staying with me and comforting me so that I wasn't alone.

When morning did come, I kept my eyes closed and sighed before rolling over in bed slightly. Suddenly, I felt the bed shift as someone frantically got off of it and ran across the room. Confused I rubbed my eyes at sat up before looking around the room. I was the only one here but I know for a fact that Tatum spent the night with me. I wasn't drunk so I have perfect memory of last night but the messed up sheets beside me were another dead giveaway.

And it smells like her perfume.

"Tatum?" I asked quietly as I looked around the room. I was actually slightly disappointed that I didn't wake up in her arms and more disappointed that she didn't wake up next to me at all.

"Yeah?" Her voice called back nervously.

"Where are you?" I asked confused.

"Hiding." She admitted.

"Are you in the closet?" I asked, not missing the irony of a gay person literally being in a closet.

"No I came out years ago." Tatum stated nonchalantly.

"That's not what I meant dumb ass. Are you hiding in the closet?" I asked again.

"Sexuality wise no but physically? Maybe." She admitted.

"Get out." I said with a sigh before rubbing a hand over my face. A couple of seconds later, the closet door creaked open and Tatum slowly stepped out but she didn't walk over to me.

"Why did you run when I woke up and why were you hiding?" I asked.

"Because you usually hate me so I didn't think it would blow over well if I woke up next to you." Tatum explained.

"I don't have the energy to hate you right now. I'm too drained from last night." I replied with a sigh.

"You know if you have to physically put energy into hating me then maybe that's a sign that you don't actually hate me." She said.

"Tatum. Don't push it." I grumbled.

"Sorry." She mumbled back. We both sat there in an awkward silence for a second before Tatum walked back over to the bed. She didn't sit down but instead stood there slightly bent over with her arms crossed on the footboard.

"This is probably a stupid question to ask but are you okay?" She asked quietly.

"Well the fact that you're here right now kind of proves that I've hit rock bottom." I replied half jokingly.

"Ouch." Tatum replied and I could see the genuine hurt on her face. That made me feel bad because I don't want to hurt her, especially after she's done so much to try and help me.

"I'm sorry I meant it as a joke." I whispered back. Before we could keep talking there was a gentle knock on the door.

"Is everyone decent?" Michael's voice asked.

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