The Pact

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Emily POV:

The next day we had a team dinner to celebrate the win. I was surprised when I was invited. I figured it would just be a team thing since Coach Crowley wasn't going but the girls invited me anyways. It felt nice to be included as part of the team again.

First though, I had to suffer through school and track practice.

While we were running laps around the track, the boys and girls lacrosse teams were practicing on the field. The boys were on one half and the girls were on the other.

The track coaches were having us run repeat 400s which is literally my least favorite thing to do. In between laps we got a five minute break to stretch and make sure that our bodies stayed loose.

I stopped to do my stretches, bending down slightly to stretch out my calves. As I stretched out, I heard a whistle from behind me. I quickly stood up straight as my face flushed with embarrassment. I looked behind me to see a group of the lacrosse boys. The one guy in the middle was laughing. He must've been the one who cat called me.

"Damn nice ass girl. Why don't you bend over again?" He said with a laugh. The few boys around him were hyping him up. I went to walk away when I heard a voice yell.

"Hey! What the fuck is going on!?" The voice yelled angrily. I turned to see Evan approaching the group of his teammates. They all stopped laughing but the guy in the middle still had a smirk on his face. He held up his hands in fake surrender.

"Sorry man. I was just calling it as I see it. Didn't know that she was your girl." He said.

"She's not my girl but you have no fucking right to treat her like that." Evan spat angrily.

"So if she's not your girl then you won't mind if I make a move right?" The guy said with a mischievous smirk. Evan was gritting his teeth as he glared at the guy, getting closer to him by the second. Evan looked like he was about to kill the guy when suddenly, he was thrown to the floor.

I looked to see Tatum glaring down at the guy who she had shoved to the turf. He cowered as she bent down and leaned over him so that they were nearly face to face.

"Stay the fuck away from her." Tatum spat angrily.

"Okay geez can you get off me?" The guy said with disgust. Tatum stepped back slightly so that the guy could stand up. He looked around with an embarrassed look on his face as he brushed the turf off his back and ass.

"TATUM REESE! GET BACK TO PRACTICE!" Coach Crowley screamed. Tatum turned and gave the boy one last angry look.

"Stay the-"

"Fuck away from her. Yeah I know I got it the first time." The boy said with annoyance.

"Good." Tatum spat back as she jogged back over to practice. I could hear Coach Crowley lecturing her.

"What the hell were you thinking?" He spat angrily. I could see them talking but they walked too far away for me to hear.

My track coach then blew her whistle, indicating that my five minute stretching break was over. I sighed as I reluctantly went back to running around the track.


Emily POV:

Around 5pm I had got out of my shower and was getting ready for the celebratory team dinner. I slipped on a nice pair of black jeans that were only slightly ripped. I then put on a tight fitting white shirt and a black and white flannel over it.

I spent the next half hour blow drying and straightening my hair. I then quickly jogged down the stairs and grabbed my car keys. The dinner starts at 6pm and I don't want to be late.

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