Good News

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I don't know how many of you were reading my story "Melting Her Frozen Heart" but wattpad removed it for community guideline violations. I'm very heart broken and I don't think there is any way for me to get it back. That story was very well written and it held a special place in my heart because I related so much to all of those characters. I'm submitting as many support tickets as possible but wattpad claims that they cannot restore deleted stories even if they are the ones to delete them. If I can get my story back then I will let you guys know asap. Until then, enjoy this chapter!


Emily POV:

The day after the championship win, Evan invited me over his house and I gladly accepted. I needed to get out of the house and get my mind off of things. 

It's currently two in the afternoon and my conversation with Tatum from last night is still haunting my mind.

"Go huskies." She had said and the words keep echoing in my mind.

"That's far away."

Yeah far away from you.

My initial plan for after high school was to attend a good school as far away from here as possible. Even though I definitely could've gone much further, six hours is still very far from here. So far that it's illogical for me to even come home on weekends unless I want to pay for a flight. 

That means that even if I can convince Tatum to break out pact and stay together even though my senior year is over, it will be nearly impossible to convince her to do long distance. We just got back together and things are finally good between us again. I've loved her since sophomore year of high school and I've waited two years for us to finally be together again. I'm not ready to lose her yet.

"What you thinking about?" Evan asked as he floated towards the edge of the pool on his banana shaped pool float. His ginormous pit viper sunglasses were covering half his face and sure to leave him with a horrendous tan line. I've told him that several times but he doesn't seem to care.

"Thinking about how I've fucked everything up." I stated as I leaned back in my lawn chair on the pool deck. I flipped my hat down to cover my sunglasses and block out the blaring sun.

"You haven't fucked anything up." He said with a sigh, knowing exactly what I was talking about. 

"Yes I have. You should've seen the look on her face Evan. She looked so heartbroken and betrayed." I said sadly. 

"You guys are going to work things out." He replied.

"No I don't think we are. I'm going six hours away and she's staying right here. And besides how the hell are we supposed to make long distance work when we could've  even work things out that summer?" I asked.

"Well you guys couldn't work things out because she never told you what happened or why she was breaking up with you." Evan pointed out.

"Shit." I whispered.


"She was going to tell me what happened. At the game when she got hurt and came off she was trying to tell me about that summer but I stopped her." I admitted. When Evan heard what I said he flew into an upright position, nearly flying off of his stupid banana floatie. 

"Excuse me what? She was finally ready to tell you what happened two years ago and YOU STOPPED HER FROM SAYING IT?!" Evan shrieked.

"She was borderline having a panic attack! So sorry I was more concerned about her well being than having her try and tell me what happened while she was stuttering like a skipping record!" I yelled back at him.

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