Why I'll Never Play Again

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Emily POV:

I couldn't believe what Coach Crowley was asking me. He wanted me to be his assistant coach? Is that even allowed?

"Um I don't think that's allowed." I responded honestly.

"Actually it's perfectly okay. I already ran it by the athletic director." Coach Crowley stated proudly.

"Ummm I would have to think about it." I replied.

"Of course. That's understandable. We would be giving you a fair salary of course." He added.

"Thanks. I'll get back to you." I replied. He nodded before turning and walking away. Before I did the same, I noticed Tatum starting right at me. I couldn't make eye contact with her so I looked away.

I then turned and went back to my running, trying to avoid the feeling that Tatum's gaze was still on me.


Tatum POV:

"Can you believe that coach offered Emily Holloway a coaching spot?" I asked frantically as we walked out of tryouts.

"Honestly? I'm not surprised at all. I've played with Emily since youth lacrosse. She's always been extremely skilled and had good knowledge of the game." Hannah explained.

"Yes but asking a student to coach!" I shrieked.

"Tatum calm down." Hannah ordered. I sighed before taking a deep breath. "I know that you and Emily have a long history-"

"Let's not get into that." I interrupted.

"Honestly? I don't know why you guys broke up in the first place. It's obvious that you guys have feelings for each other still." Hannah said, ignoring the fact that I had interrupted her.

"No we don't." I stated as I crossed my arms.

"Okay sure."  Hannah replied. "But you can't let your history with her get in the way of this. Being an assistant coach is a big opportunity for her." 

"I know." I sighed.

"So tell her that. She's probably only hesitant about taking the position because she's scared of causing issues between you two." Hannah continued.

"Hannah I can't. I haven't talked to her since we broke up." I replied. She narrowed her eyes and pointed a finger at me.

"Then that's exactly what you have to do. The fact that you guys haven't talked in over two years is crazy." Hannah replied.

"I know I know." I sighed.

"So go tell her that she needs to take this job!" Hannah lectured me.

"Okay I will. Later though. I want to go home and shower first so I don't stink like lacrosse." I said with a grimace.

"Yeah you want to smell good for your girl." Hannah replied with a wink.

"STOP IT THAT'S NOT WHY!" I shrieked. Hannah just laughed at my panic.


Emily POV:

It was now 8pm and I was just sitting in my bed while I did my homework. The show Pretty Little Liars was playing in the background. I've already watched it once before but it was a good show to just have as background noise.

To be honest, this is how I spend most of my nights. When I still played lacrosse, I was extremely popular. I used to go out to parties all the time and I had a plethora of friends at my beck and call.

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