Pool Day

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Emily POV:

Saturday morning I rolled over in bed. The soft light from the sun shinning through the window. I'm in Cam's room. I stay overnight at her room a lot but lately it's been like I'm living here with her. It's been a week of Tatum being here and I'm doing my absolute best to avoid her which is why I've practically moved in with Cam.

I know for sure that Sienna and Tatum have been hanging out all week which is why I've gone back to  my dorm as little as possible. I'm too scared to run into her.

I'm actually kind of jealous. Not that Sienna is getting to spend so much time with Tatum but because Tatum is spending so much time with Sienna. Sienna is my best friend and right now her and Tatum are looking closer to best friends than we are every day. I refuse to let her come to campus and steal my best friend.

The door to Cam's dorm room suddenly squeaked open. I sat up to see Cam trying her best to enter the room quietly while carrying two trays of breakfast food. When she got fully into the room and saw that I was awake, she sighed before shutting the door with her foot.

"I'm sorry for waking you up baby. I was trying not to make any noise." Cam said quietly as she placed the food trays on her desk.

"It's okay baby I was already awake." I assured her. "You went out and got us breakfast?" I asked with a smile.

"Yeah I wanted to treat you a little bit with some breakfast in bed." She said with a smile before handing me one of the trays.

"Aw thank you that's so sweet of you." I replied.

"Anytime love." She said before giving me a kiss on the cheek. She then grabbed her tray and sat on the bed next to me so that we could eat together.

"So do you have any plans for this lovely Saturday?" Cam asked.

"No I don't think so why? What do you have in mind?" I replied in between bites.

"I was thinking we hit up Layla's pool today? She said that I could invite you and we could bring friends too." Cam said.

"I think that sounds like a great idea." I replied with a warm smile.

"You can even invite Sienna." Cam stated casually before taking a bite of her food. I turned to her with my eyes wide. 

"No way you just said that." I said with a smile.

"What? I know that me and Sienna have this whole stupid feud but we both love you and she's your best friend so I'm trying to make more of an effort to tolerate her." Cam explained.

"You don't know how happy that makes me." I said as I was grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh and tell her she can invite her boyfriend Michael as her plus one. I've seen him around and he's a pretty cool dude." Cam stated.

"Awesome I'll text her right now to let her know." I said before whipping out my phone to text Sienna. I was just thinking about how I wanted to spend more time with Sienna and this is the perfect way to do so. Swimming in a nice pool with my girlfriend, best friend, and Michael.

And best of all?

No Tatum.


Tatum POV:

Sienna and I were both sitting on her bed in her dorm room. Even though I have my own room in the lacrosse house that Sienna and I could hangout in, we both agreed to hangout here more often. Simply because I want to run into Emily and Sienna wants that to happen too.

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