Moving Day

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*College move in day*

Tatum POV:

The summer has blown by faster than I expected it to. I thought that Emily and I would have more time together before she left but I couldn't be more wrong. We spent every waking second together and it still doesn't feel like enough. She's about to move six hours away and I might not ever see her again.

Sure I might see her when she comes home for Christmas break and stuff like that but it won't be the same as seeing her every day. I can't handle a long distance relationship like that. It would do more harm to my mental health than good but I also don't want to break up with Emily.


Now I wish that we had never made that stupid dating pact. Maybe if we hadn't, we would've never gotten back together and this breakup wouldn't be happening again. It feels like reopening the same wound over and over so that it never heals but ends up scarring instead.

Logically speaking, Emily moving away would hurt just the same no matter if we had gotten back together or not because my feelings for her never went away the first time. Though I can't find the voice and strength to say it, I love her. I've wanted her to know that for a long time but its too late to say it now. If I do, it will only make this breakup hurt worse.

"So Tate are you going to say goodbye to Emily tonight?" My mom asked as she placed a tea bag into her steaming mug and stirred it. She then sat at the dinning room table across from me.

"Yeah." I stated simply. My mom looked at me with a sympathetic look on her face and I could tell exactly what she was thinking.

"It's going to be okay honey. You'll still see her when she comes back on school break and you guys can talk on the phone everyday." She said.

"No we can't mom."

"Why not?"

"Emily and I are breaking up." I whispered sadly.

"And why on earth would you do that?! You two love each other!" My mom shrieked.

"We made a pact, we'd date just for her senior year." I replied somberly.

"Forget the stupid pact! I know that's not what either of you want!" My mom replied.

"It's too late to try and change things now. She's packing her bags right now and she leaves in two hours." I stated.

"It's never too late. Never." My mom stated.

I bit my lip as I thought about what she was saying. Maybe it isn't too late for us. There's one thing that can save us both from the heart break. The question is, am I ready to finally say it?


Emily POV:

I nervously paced back and forth throughout the entire house. Everything was already packed into the car and ready to go. Time was ticking closer and closer to the time I would have to leave and I still didn't know what I was going to do.

I want to stay with Tatum, I truly do but I know long distance will be extremely hard. Especially as she tries navigating senior year and I try to find my way in college. Long distance would be a shit show but its a shit show that I'm willing to endure if it means that Tatum and I can stay together.

The question is, how do I tell her this?

This is all my fault. I'm the one who suggested the stupid senior year pact in the first place. I suggested it as an excuse to date her again but if I could go back I would just straight up ask her out instead of trying to pretend that I wasn't still in love with her.

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