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Okay so there is a lot of lacrosse game play in this chapter so I'm going to explain a few terms. A zone defense is when the seven defensive players don't each mark up on a girl. They stand in this formation around the 8 meter arc and cover an area of the arc. If a player cuts through that area, the nearest defender will follow her and another defender will slide over to fill the empty space. 

A zone defense with a backer is the same thing, just with three defenders guarding behind the net instead of the usual two. This isn't typically the best defensive structure because it leaves one attack player open, usually on the elbow (corners by the net). 

There is also a rule in girls lacrosse called the 3 second rule. Basically a defender can't stand inside the 8 meter arc without guarding an attack player for more than 3 seconds. When teams play a zone defense with a backer, the backer player usually gets called for three seconds and the other team gets an 8 meter shot (penalty shot from the 8 meter arc).

Shooting space is when a defender enters the path that the player with the ball is running through the 8 meter arc without sticking her stick into the path before her body. Because this is dangerous and players can get hit by the shot, shooting space is called and the attack player gets an 8 meter shot.

I hope that helps explain things!


*The first week of June, 5 days away from Emily's graduation*

Emily POV:

"Not now. But what happened, happened against this team." Tatum stated. I looked at her with concern. 

Usually before games Tatum is bouncing around with energy. She is usually so excited to play and she has this confidence in her step but all of that was gone today. As I looked at her, I could see the nervousness and dare I say, fear in her eyes. 

"Tatum-" I pleaded but she shook her head.

"Not now." She stated finally. She gave me one last look before walking away. I sighed as I watched her march towards the bathroom. Then, I felt someone place a gentle hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Hannah standing there.

"What was that about?" She asked.

"She won't tell me but she looks like she's freaking out." I stated.

"Yeah she probably is." Hannah replied.

"Why won't either of you just tell me whats going on?" I asked with annoyance.

"Well I can't tell you because its about the breakup and Tatum is the only person who can tell you why she broke up with you." Hannah replied. 

"Ugh I hate you both." I grumbled.

"Did she say anything at all to you?" Hannah asked.

"Just that what happened that summer happened against this team." I replied.

"Yeah it did. It happened in a lax+ game against Clayton High." Hannah stated. 

"So she got hurt?" I asked worriedly. If she got seriously hurt in that game then why didn't she tell me about it? Why didn't anyone tell me about it?

"She got more than just hurt. She's not the same, mentally or physically because of it." Hannah explained. Before I could try and ask anymore questions, she walked away and walked into the bathroom where Tatum had disappeared off too.

I sighed as I plopped down on one of the locker room benches. I watched as all the other players bustled around the busy locker room. They all had their hair braided into a pony tail and had sevens drawn in eye black on their faces.

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