Back In The Game

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I am so sorry that updates have been super slow. I had AP tests last week, prom this week, and now the state tournament for lax is coming up.

I promise though that once I graduate and lax ends I will be back to my normal updating schedule. Anyways thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!


Emily POV:

This game was turning out to be an absolute nail bitter. Every fan watching the game was sitting on the edge of their seats. There is now only three minutes left in the third quarter and the score is a mere 5-2 with Clayton being the five. 

For those of you that know lacrosse, 5-2 is an extremely low scoring game. Most games easily get into the double digits. This game is different though. We are very evenly matched with Clayton. The only reason that they are winning right now is because they've been man marking Tatum. By taking our top scorer out of the equation, its been easy for them to prevent goals for us while scoring a few of their own.

Thankfully as the quarter came to an end Hannah knocked in her second goal of the night, making the score 5-3. The ref blew her whistle to end the quarter. Both teams jogged over to give their goalie a pat on the back before walking over to the sideline.

As Tatum jogged over, I could see the anger and frustration in her eyes. I was about to say something to her when she approached the bench but I didn't even make it two feet before Tatum threw her stick in anger. The metal shaft clanging against the metal bench. She then sighed before plopping down on the bench, leaning back and covering her face with her hands.

I quietly walked over and took a seat next to her, not wanting to startle her as I tried to read her., 

"That was a little aggressive." I whispered half jokingly. Tatum sighed again as she removed her hands from her face.

"I'm sorry." She whispered.

"It's okay Tate, I get it. This is a tough game, its hard not to get frustrated." I reassured her.

"I've only touched the ball twice since I've scored and one of those times I instantly caused a turnover." She grumbled.

"Hey that turnover was not you're fault. That Clayton girl pushed you out of bounds and the refs should've called it. That is nothing against you, just bad officiating." I explained.

"Coach Crowley would be pissed if he heard you blaming the officials." Tatum said with a quiet laugh as a small smile spread across her face. "He always says-"

"It's not bad officiating that ruins a game. It's a bad attitude and bad teamwork. A team loses the game for themselves, not the refs." I said, cutting her off and finishing her sentence. 

"Yeah exactly." Tatum said with a quiet laugh as she smiled at me. "Even though I completely disagree with him."

"Oh yeah I do too." I replied with a laugh.

"You disagree with me about what?!" Coach Crowley yelled, more at Tatum than at me.

"I disagree with our style of play right now." Tatum lied. "We need to change things up in order to win this game."

"Changing something this late in the season, let alone in this game could be detrimental." Coach Crowley stated as he crossed his arms.

"Coach, we have twelve minutes left and we are already losing. If this doesn't work then it doesn't really matter, but if it does? We may win this game." Hannah said as she walked over and stood by the bench next to Tatum. The rest of the team tossed their waters aside and formed a circle around us.

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