Why I Ended Things

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There will be some lax terms in this chapter. For anyone who doesn't play lacrosse, the sphere is a seven inch circle area around you're head where it is illegal for a defender to put their stick in as they try to check/hit the ball out of your stick. It's basically just a rule to help prevent things like concussions since girls lacrosse is dumb and all we have is goggles for protection.

I play girls lacrosse I can say that.

Because compared to boys lacrosse, girls lacrosse is a completely different sport and it's not as fun because of it.

But anyways if you see any other terms in this chapter that you don't understand then just comment on it and I will respond with an explanation.


*The first week of June, 5 days away from Emily's graduation*

Tatum POV:

Music blasted throughout the locker room but it wasn't even registering in my head. I stood in front of the locker room mirror, my hair braided as I rubbed eye black on my face. We had all decided to do a horizontal line under our eyes and a vertical line down our cheeks.

When I finished doing my eye black, I handed it off to the next girl before looking back at my reflection. I looked in the mirror, staring into my own cold eyes. Met by my own empty soul glaring back at me. 

I jumped when I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. I relaxed when I turned around and saw Emily.

"You scared me." I whispered.

"Yeah I can tell. You didn't hear me walking over." She stated and I just shook my head. "Is everything okay?" Emily asked when I didn't respond.

"Yeah every things great." I stated, still looking at my reflection.

"No your not." Emily said. She gently grabbed my shoulders to turn me around. I blinked when I focused on her eyes now looking into mine with concern. "I know you Tatum and I can tell something is bothering you." She stated. I sighed, weighing in my mind how much I was ready to tell her.

"Something happened that summer, before I broke up with you." I whispered.

"Is that something the reason why you broke up with me?" She whispered back.

"Y-yes." I stammered.

"What happened?" Emily asked.

"Not now. But what happened, happened against this team." I stated.


*Flashback to two weeks before Emily and Tatum broke up. Summer before Tatum's sophomore year.*

Tatum POV:

I got so lucky that Hannah invited me to tryout for her lax+ premier team. Emily was supposed to play for them before she broke her wrist. It's crazy to me that she may never be able to play again because of how her wrist won't rotate correctly anymore.

I don't know what I would do if I lost lacrosse.

I know that Emily has been struggling a lot with it. I'm happy though that she trusts me enough to allow me to be there for her. I'm the only one that she's shown her true emotions too. When everyone else asks, she just says that she's doing fine but I know the truth because I'm the one whose there when she falls apart.

I'm the one who holds her when she cries. I'm the one who's kissed the top of her head and wiped away all her tears. I'm the one who tells her that everything is going to be okay, even if she doesn't believe it. 

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