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Sorry for the slow updates. I've been a bit busy with my school's senior assassin game. I also have been having a bit of a writers block. Like I know what I want to happen in this story its just a matter of how and when. 

Anyways thanks for being patient with me. :)


Emily POV:

I watched as the girls ran 3 v twos in practice. Tatum caught the ball off of the goalie clear and ran towards the defender. When the defender challenged her, she swiftly tossed the ball off to the other. attacker.

The second defender shifted over, leaving Hannah wide open on the far side. The attacker launched the ball towards Hannah and she caught it effortlessly but the defender that was on Tatum was quick to slide over and block Hannah from taking a shot. 

Instead of backing out of the pressure, she charged forward.

"CRASH!" The defender screamed. The defender that was on the other attacker ran to crash on Hannah. That's when Hannah flicked a pass behind her back, right into Tatum's stick as she ran towards the goal. 

Tatum wound up and took an easy low to high shot that went soaring into the back of the net. Hannah and Tatum laughed at the success of their amazing play as they pulled each other into a quick hug before jogging towards the back of the lines.

In that moment, a thought popped into my mind. That summer that Tatum broke up with me, she was playing on a lax+ premier lacrosse team. I know for a fact that Hannah was on that team. 

And with how close Tatum and Hannah seem to be, I'm guessing that Hannah knows everything that happened that summer, including why Tatum broke up with me and why she stutters so often. 

The question is, how do I get it out of Hannah?


Tatum POV:

"Okay water break and then we are going to play some power and finesse!" Coach announced. I heard several girls sigh in relief as they jogged over to grab their waters.

There is exactly two weeks before the lacrosse state tournament starts. We've already won the regional tournament and now we are ranked in 12th for the state tournament. Though the odds aren't necessarily in our favor, coach thinks that we have a decent shot at winning and I do too. 

Because we are ranked so high, we play lower teams for the first few rounds. Then it's just a matter off beating the few teams ranked above us. I think that is definitely something that we can accomplish. 

When I got to the sidelines, I picked up my water from off of the turf and popped the lid open. I lead my head back, taking a quick swig before putting it back down on the turf. As I swallowed my water, I looked around and saw Emily talking to Hannah. I stood there, pretending that I wasn't eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Hey Han, are you doing anything tonight?" Emily asked. Hannah thought for a second before shaking her head.

"I'm doing whatever you're about to ask me." Hannah replied with a smirk and Emily laughed.

"Perfect. So you want to come watch the University of Hartford vs Western New England University lacrosse game? It's in Hartford at 7pm." Emily explained.

"Sure! That sounds like so much fun. Oh my god and the school is like five minutes away from the Barcelona restaruant. We could go there after." Hannah replied.

"The tapas place?" Emily questioned.

"Exactly!" Hannah said happily.

"Sounds like an awesome idea. I'll pick you up around six?" Emily suggested.

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