To Win Her Back

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Since one of my lovely readers commented on last chapter saying that they NEED the next part, here it is lol.

Thank you all for reading. I appreciate it so much and I'm glad that you guys love the story. Seeing your likes and comments truly makes my day.


Tatum POV:

After Emily stormed out of the restaurant, Sienna turned back to me. She simply sighed and shook her head at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You've been here all of five minutes and you're already scaring the girl away." She said with a disappointed look.

"She's been begging me since freshman year of high school to tell her how I really feel and now that I do she runs away from me! I swear no matter what I do this girl is always pissed at me." I huffed as I crossed my arms and slouched back in my chair.

"That's because you are a fucking idiot. I can see making a mistake and breaking up with her once but twice?! Seriously Tatum?!" Sienna scolded.

"You don't know the full story. You only know her side." I sighed. 

"So tell me then. Help me understand how you could be so stupid." Sienna demanded as she crossed her arms. I sighed as I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Okay fine. You are getting the spark notes version though because this drama has spanned over four years now." I stated as I lowered my hands back to the table.

"Fine by me." Sienna stated.

"Emily and I began dating during my freshman year of high school. We met during lacrosse tryouts. She's my first everything. First girlfriend, first kiss, first love-"


"Sienna shut up or I won't tell you this story." I said, annoyed that she interrupted me.

"Okay fine continue." Sienna said as she held her arms up in surrender.

"We dated for about five months when I suffered from a bad lacrosse injury. I took a stick to the throat and I was having severe issues with breathing and speaking. So I broke up with Emily because I couldn't figure out how to tell her that I loved her without it sounding fake because of my stutter." I explained.

Sienna just nodded as she took all of it in. I then paused my story to take a couple bites of my soup before I waste it by letting it get cold. 

"Then two and a half years later Emily and I make this stupid pact to fake date just for her senior year. Obviously it fails because we are both still in love with each other so we just date for real but we still broke up when Emily went away to college." I explained.

"Why the fuck would you do that? This story isn't helping your case very much Tatum." Sienna stated. I sighed and shook my head.

"Because I still didn't know how to express my feelings about her. I was scared of long distance and I was scared that my stutter would ruin the moment that I tell her I love her. So we ended things the night she drove up here." I said.

"I have no clue what you're talking about. You don't have a stutter." Sienna pointed out.

"That's because after we broke up, I started going to speech therapy to help lessen it. My vocal chords are permanently damaged so in order to not stutter I have to talk very slowly and think about everything I say." I explained.

"Ohhhhhhh. Now I know why you talk so slow." Sienna said. 

"Yep so there's the spark notes version of the shit show I caused on our relationship." I said as I leaned back in my chair.

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