I Can't Do This

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Little authors note here.

Throughout this story and the next book, Francesca will often be referred to as Chesca which is her nickname. Just wanted to bring that up so that you don't get confused and think that they are two separate people.

Fun fact as well my family is Italian and I speak very little Italian myself. This means that any Italian speaking Chesca does isn't google translated, it comes straight from my knowledge of the language. If you try to google translate things it may not always seem right because my family does speak a dialect of the actual language so I will translate all Italian into English in little parenthesis like this ().

Anyways thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!


*Two weeks after Emily left*

Tatum POV:

Music was blasting through every single speaker in the house. I held a red solo cup in my hand that I hadn't even taken a sip of. I don't feel like drinking tonight. I don't feel like doing anything to be honest.

"Tatummmmmm stop being such a party pooper!" Hannah yelled over the music.

"You look like your dog just died." Chesca commented.

"I don't have a dog." I called back sarcastically and Chesca rolled her eyes.

"You know what I mean! Stop pouting and come have fun with us!" She yelled.

"There is no way for me to have fun anymore." I stated grumpily.

"Come on Tate. It's time to get over her." Chesca stated.

"Well I don't know about that-" Hannah started to say but Chesca cut her off.

"Hannah we have to be realistic. Emily left for college and she isn't coming back. Even if she did she'll probably be pissed with Tatum and want nothing to do with her. Especially since she broke up with her twice now." Chesca pointed out.

"You have a point but still. Don't make her more depressed! Look at her!" Hannah said as she gestured to me.

"Can you two stop talking about me like I'm not here?" I grumbled.

"Sorry." Chesca replied. Hannah then looked down at her watch and groaned.

"Fuckkkk. I have to get going." She stated. I practically jumped off of the couch and threw my arms up in the air, almost spilling whatever the fuck kind of alcohol concoction was in it.

"So you drag me to this party and then ditch me here? That's not happening. Take me home with you." I begged.

"Sorry Tate I can't. I'm staying over my grandma's house. Plus I'm not leaving you here alone. Chesca's still here." Hannah pointed out.

"Chesca's being a little shit-"

"Okay okay that's enough. I'll stop dampening your hopes of getting back together with Emily if and only if you promise to actually try and have fun while we're here." Chesca stated.

"That's impossible." I stated.

"Can you at least try? For me please?" Chesca begged. I groaned loudly before burring my face in my hands.

"Fine." I grumbled. "But no matter what we are leaving before 1am." I stated as I uncovered my face.

"Awesome! You guys have fun and I'll see you later!" Hannah yelled over her shoulder as she walked away. I had no chance to protest as she was already disappearing into the crowd. Chesca then held her hands out towards me with an expectant look on her face.

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