A Fresh Start

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Emily POV:

By the time we arrived on campus, it was nine in the morning. People were buzzing around the campus with luggage and suitcases as they frantically tried to find their rooms. I stood there just watching until I heard the car trunk close.

I turned around to see that my dad had already unloaded all of my bags. He had one duffle bag in each hand and he wore my backpack slung over one shoulder.

"Why don't we go find your room?" He suggested with a soft smile.

"Yeah lets go." I replied with a small smile before pulling out my phone. I pulled up my room assinment and we started walking.

Since UConn is six hours away from home, I never anything more than a virtual tour of the place. One thing I can say is that the campus is much larger than I expected. It's so big it felt like I could be swallowed whole any minute. I kept looking down at my room assignment but it still felt like I was lost.

"I have no clue where we're going." I admitted with a sigh.

"Let me ask someone." My mom replied. She looked around before waving towards the first student she could find.

"Excuse me miss!" She called and I groaned with embarrassment.

"No mom it's fine I can find it on my own." I begged.

"Emily Angelie Holloway we have been walking around for fifteen minutes. You have no clue where we're going." My mom retorted before calling after the girl once again. "Hey excuse me!"

The girl stopped walking and turned to look at us. She gave a soft smile as she pulled her wired headphones out of her ears and walked over.

"Can't find you're room I'm guessing?" She asked with a clever smirk.

"Yes exactly! Could you please help us?" My mom asked.

"Sure where ya headed?" The girl asked.

"McMahon hall." I stated.

"Oh sick! I'm over there too! Right this way." The girl said as she started walking in the opposite direction that we were initially headed. My mom just looked over at me with a glare.

"You know where we're going huh?" She whispered so that only I could hear. I rolled my eyes and decided to just ignore her.

"I'm Camila Thatcher by the way but you can just call me Cam." The girl said with a friendly smile as she stuck her hand out to me. I smiled and took it, shaking her hand. The cold metal of her many rings shocking my warm hands.

"Nice to meet you Cam. I'm Emily." I replied. 

"So where ya from Em?" Cam asked, already deciding to call me by a nickname. 

"I'm from a small town just outside of New York city." I stated. "How about you?"

"I'm from Portland Maine." She stated.

"That's cool. I've heard its very pretty up there." I replied.

"Yeah it's definitely one of the more toussristy spots in Maine." Cam replied with a laugh. 

"You seem to know your way around pretty well so I'm guessing that you aren't a freshmen." I stated with a laugh.

"You would be correct. This is my sophomore year." She said.

We kept talking for a few minutes until we arrived at the dorm building. Once we walked inside, Cam turned to face me and my parents.

"So what room number are you?" She asked. I pulled out my phone and looked down at my room assignment.

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