S2 E4 - Stuck

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Eddie's POV:

Me and Buck were able to get out of the building safely. Batari was sent to a hospital, and Ali was getting checked out at the triage center. I wanted to go back inside to find Lia, but Bobby was disobeying orders to help Hen, and Buck wanted to help too. I hesitantly went with him, hoping that Lia would be out when we got back.

Hen got trapped under a ton of rubble when the second aftershock hit, and she traveled her way to one of the parking garages. When we used a car to pull concrete off of a pile of it, we were able to get her out. Luckily she wasn't hurt. Only a few bumps and bruises.

I helped her get to triage while Buck stayed with Bobby and Chim.

"Hey, where's Lia. Didn't she go with you guys?" Hen asks, as a paramedic just finished checking her out.

"Oh my god. Lia."

I hadn't seen her since she went a different way, and I didn't know if she went to a hospital or not. I ran off and asked every single paramedic if they treated her or sent her to a hospital. None of them had seen or sent her off somewhere. That meant she was still inside.

"Buck! Buck!"

I had to find Buck. We had to go back in and find her, but I couldn't find him anywhere. Before I could think of anything else, I ran back into the building. Alone.

"Lia! Where are you?!"

I ran up each flight of stairs and checked the hallways, but I still couldn't find her. I wasn't sure how stable the building was, but I had to be quick. One more aftershock, and this whole building could collapse.

When I got to the third floor, I saw a pair of feet at the edge of the stairs.

"Lia! Oh my god."

There she was, lying on the ground with blood spilling out of her, and her face ghostly. I ran up to her side and checked for a pulse. It was barely there, and I knew she didn't have a lot of time left. I got her on to my shoulder, but another aftershock came. I gripped onto the stairs railing, then ran as fast as I could down the stairs.

Concrete was falling, and dust was everywhere, but I just needed to get out. When I made it back to the entrance, I saw the rest of my team standing there.

"I need a gurney! Now!"

"Eddie! What happened?"

"She's got a stomach puncture wound, and lost a lot of blood."

I explain to Chim while I place her onto the gurney that came. He goes to check her pulse.

"When I checked it, it was the thready, but it was the-"

"No pulse."

I look at Chim and the rest of the team before getting on the gurney and starting compressions.

"Come on Lia, come on."

Hen and Buck were wheeling us to a nearby ambulance and got us on.

"Damn it, Lia. Come on!"

"We're six minutes out!" Chim yells from the front.

"Make it two!" I yell back.

Hen was wrapping the wound, and I checked her pulse again.

"I-I have a pulse! I got one!"

"Oh thank god." I heard Hen whisper.

"Guys! We're here!"

Chim flung the ambulance doors open, and rolled the gurney off.

"29 year old female,"

"Her names Talia Becker." I cut Chim off.

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