S1 E1 - Pilot

680 19 0

*Beep! Beep!*

I groan as I roll over on my bed and slam the alarm clock that was blaring at 5:00 AM off. I pull myself out of bed since I had a shift at 6:30. I still had to make coffee, shower, and get myself ready. So yes, I really did need an hour and a half.

After a shower, cup of coffee, and quickly slicking back my hair into a bun, I ran out of my apartment in my LAFD t-shirt, and into my car. It was 6:15 when I left, and 6:25 when I got to station. Right on time, as always.

I walked into the fire station overhearing Chim most likely talking about Tatiana, and saw that the fire truck was out again. I just my rolled eyes knowing that Buck was taking it out for a "wash." Aka having sex in it.

I went into the locker room and threw my bag into my locker before heading upstairs to the kitchen where everyone else was.

Two years had passed, so I was now 28, and I was really happy at the 118. I had gotten close to everyone there, and it truly felt like a family.

"This woman's so far out of my league, but she's just once-in-a-lifetime. I can't let her go."

"Lot's of fish in the sea Chim." I add as I make my way over to the counter and grab the plates and utensils.

"Not with the bait he's using." Hen chuckled. "Hey Lia."

Lia was a nicknamed I gained after Buck joined. He thought Talia was too long, even though the rest of the 118 had called me that for a year. He also saw that everyone else had a nickname.

Chimney's real name was Howard, Hen's was Henrietta, Bobby's was Robert, and Buck's was Evan.

"Cruel, but true." Chimney said with a forced saddened expression.

"She's an adrenaline junkie, so foreplay is me telling her stories about running into burning buildings and jumping into icy lakes and.."

"I'm sorry, wait. Remind me, when is the last time you ran into or jumped into anything?" Hen questioned.

"Yeah, last time at the lake call I had to jump in and save that boy even though Bobby asked you." I say while crossing my arms across my chest with my eyebrows raised.

"Well you're a better swimmer than me. I already told you that. You got there faster than I could have. And plus, it was in the dead of winter!"

"Nearly got hypothermia." I scoffed.

"I'm sorry, ok! And, I embellish a little."

"Oh. Noted."

I go to grab the food to set on the table as we all hear the trucks brakes hiss. I roll my eyes and Buck runs up the stairs. He comes up from behind me and uses his fingers to scoop up pasta from the bowl.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Wash your hands. We don't know where they've been."

"Or who they've been in" I say in a slight whisper while raising my eyebrows.

Hen snorts beside me. This was typical Buck as always. Leaving to have sex in the fucking firetruck.

"What if we had a call?"

I heard Bobby's "father" come in, and I gave Chim and Hen a look before turning away to sit down at the table.

*Alarm rings*

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